Monday, May 9, 2011

good Monday morning


Lovely morning. 60 degrees at 8:20am. Door open to let in the fresh air. Birds all chirpy. Broke down and ordered 5lbs. of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, even though I have three pounds of good coffee already. I just can't resist a bargin. Of course, Jamaican coffee is available seasonally and one must order it when one can. I may be poor but I try to live well.

Saturday morning, after a traditional breakfast at Toast with brother Eric, we sat in the backyard with the puppies. While we were there two juvenile Cardinals played and chased each other around the trees for more than 1/2 an hour. I thought they'd be exhausted. One would take off and the other chase as soon as the first landed, who then took off again. They never left the yard or were out of sight for more than a second. A delightful entertainment.

On Friday night I managed to get to Charlotte to shoot my 86th PGroove show. Much like the old days, several people introduced themselves and many old friends were in attendence. Got back stage early and hung out with the band. They are such great guys.

Too damn many LCD lights in use these days, making it very difficult to get a good photo. Managed to get a few but nothing like I could take a few years ago.

Waiting for the official word from the Fillmore about the free ticket, but have the assignment to write up the Flaming Lips concert next week. Not much planned for this week. Plan to take the Yairi DY-40 to Fine Music to get it set up and see if I can love it again. If not, or even if, I think I may sell it as well as one of the DY-67s. Plans to restring the Santa Cruz with EJ-16s (light gauge) and see if it will play a bit easier and still mantain her amazing tone.

Not much else this month. I'll not make Amberland this year. A 6 hour drive alone and staying up until 3am and sleeping outside for 3 nights, I fear, would be a bit too taxing. Might catch Primus at the end of the month.

Thanks for reading.

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