Tuesday, August 27, 2013

i know, i know

I've been poor at keeping up this journal.

Back to the MRI machine and consultation on Friday. Should I go ahead and get the whole brain radiation again? While I felt quite damaged from the first time, however I was met free for three years.

Today is my deceased  father's birthday.  Maybe Katie and I will walk up to the cemetery this morning.

Last treatment really took it out of me. Pushing on.

Friday, August 2, 2013

more treatment

Made it through another stereotatic  focused proton beam brain cancer treatment. That makes 3 different episodes of brain tumors with the last 13 month. No obvious damage from the treatment this time.

I guess we can go on like this for a while to go. Made it 5 years so far. 4 episodes of brain cancer (usually 3-8 mets per).

Can be hard to keep a good attitude. But I push on.