Saturday, April 28, 2012

why Obama and the Democrats

I believe that we no longer live in a functioning democracy.  When the amount spent on an election is the most important variable in predicting outcome, the game is over. We truly do have the best government money can buy.

I also believe that the day one enters the White House is the day they find that the Office of the President comes with lots of obligations, and is pretty much controlled. So for the greatest part of the ability to influence events, the cards are already stacked against.

Why vote for the Democrats as they do not make great strides in changing anything? We might not get what we want; no wars, CIA drone programs gone, corporations not being allowed to ruin the economy, to mention a few.

We need to vote for the Democrats if only because, the Republicans will be worse and we will regret living in their nightmare of pandering to the rich at the expense of everyone else, in hopes of gathering the falling crumbs.

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