Wednesday, March 28, 2012

cloudy day

Not feeling all that energetic today. Need to pay a bill from 2010.  Great accounting you guys.

I've been reading some terrible articles, well the articles themselves are good, but the topics are horrifying.

First was in the Rolling Stone (a surprisingly good news magazine) on the new NSA facility. As you may know, since the beginning of this century, the Federal Government has been routing all internet traffic through their servers in order to scan the traffic. That traffic is our emails, web searches and web traffic. This new facility will be able to store all that internet traffic, email and phone calls from anywhere in the U.S. Even if you encrypt your email, they will store it until the encryption can be broken. 

Add that to facial recognition software and security cameras now so common, as well as gps phone tracking, we are so ripe for a Totalitarian takeover. Or more likely, we already are on the midst of the takeover. I mean banks squander billions of dollars and the federal government bails them out. I'm happy to see Occupy Wall Street folks out there trying, but it'll take more that a few folks hanging out to make any real difference. Is it even possible to change the direction of money and power from moving up the chain? Is our government bought and sold already? The Supreme Court seems to be.

Facebook passwords being required as a condition of employment. Reminds me of the guy about to be drug tested by a possible employer who said, "you are not buying me, only renting me." What's next Sodium Pentathol?

I've long feared the the day that all the computers are hooked together and cash is declared illegal and then there will be no more secrets. I'm not paranoid. The net tightens.

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