Monday, January 9, 2012

emotion and logic

I'm in the shower, which takes less time as I have no hair to wash and where I do my best thinking, and a new thought comes to mind. Being human, the pull between following emotion or reason is the bane of our existence. Following either to the exclusion of the other, makes life boring or chaotic. Finding a balance is the art to living an full and interesting life.

A little over two years ago my girlfriend broke it off with me and starting seeing my best friend. Emotion led the charge and I was unhappy for a long time. Working through both emotional and reasoned arguments, I was able to slowly move from more emotional thinking and towards logical thoughts. Eventually I was able to forgive them both.

Back to the shower. I discover a new thought. My friend actually did my a favor by relieving me of a woman who was heading for an emotional breakdown. I don't have much interest in drama these days and had things not changed, there would have been lots. I was able to help her through a transition or two, but could not have prevented her from making the choices she has since she left.

I feel badly from my friend who willingly jumped into that mess and is still there, tied emotionally to her craziness, suffering as a result. I guess the art comes in following both a reasoned life and the joy of the chaos. Like a Phish jam, there are rules in music but the variety and spontaneity make it enjoyable.

Like when Kenny Rogers sang, "Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em".

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