The beginning of April marks the 5th anniversary of my starting my Smugmug account for displaying my photographs. I tried some of the free one's, but found them all inadequate. Eventually I had to sign up for the professional account in order to add a watermark. I am happy to let people download my photos but I kept finding them across the Internet without being credited. Every shot on my site (except the few taken of me by others) was processed in Photoshop. I've posted over 10,000 shots since I started it. That represents a serious amount of time in post production. I roughly estimate I post about 15% of the shots I take. Which calculates to around 65,000 shots. Starting with my Fuji S2, then to a Nikon D200 and then to a D300.
I've previous blogged on the reasons for shooting. Now that way more people are shooting at shows (must have made it look fun) I find fewer reasons to drag out the camera. I would like to shoot something other than crowded shows with poor lighting. Kind of been there, done that. I'm thinking portraits. Guess I'll start carrying my cards and looking for volunteers.
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