I think acceptance in no way means resignation. I've been fighting what I'm experiencing. I just keep trying to live a life I cannot live. I hope to get better and be able to do the things I want, but that is not today. Accepting that doesn't mean I'm resigned to it. I just means I've got to quit feeling badly over the fact that I am disabled and cannot live the life I had before.
My way of dealing with adversity is to analyze my responses to the context in which I find myself. My response is what drives me crazy, not the context or new situation. I mean life can suck beyond the telling, but sometimes that cannot be changed. The only thing left is how I adapt. I've been driving myself crazy trying to hold on to the old life. I liked the old life. I have a habit of letting go poorly, claw marks on everything I've ever lost. It's easy to see this intellectually, not so easy emotionally.
I am accepting this new life full of post cancer and post cancer treatments issues. Like everything in my life, not fast enough. I was hoping to be in better shape (than I am) by now. I've made great strides so far, but it is a slow, slow, slow process. As is my acceptance.
On a more positive note. I've made an appointment to visit the puppies June 9. Maybe someone new will come live with Russell and me.
My way of dealing with adversity is to analyze my responses to the context in which I find myself. My response is what drives me crazy, not the context or new situation. I mean life can suck beyond the telling, but sometimes that cannot be changed. The only thing left is how I adapt. I've been driving myself crazy trying to hold on to the old life. I liked the old life. I have a habit of letting go poorly, claw marks on everything I've ever lost. It's easy to see this intellectually, not so easy emotionally.
I am accepting this new life full of post cancer and post cancer treatments issues. Like everything in my life, not fast enough. I was hoping to be in better shape (than I am) by now. I've made great strides so far, but it is a slow, slow, slow process. As is my acceptance.
On a more positive note. I've made an appointment to visit the puppies June 9. Maybe someone new will come live with Russell and me.