Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday morning

Why did the morning news cover a story on the price of beef rising but show video of Jersey cows (which are milk cows)?

I haven't blogged for several days. Guess I haven't had much to say. Started radiation on Wednesday, so 3 down, 22 to go. Any side effects won't be as bad as chemo or surgery, and I'll endure. Having to pretty much sit still for the past six months has taken its toll on my body. I am walking to gain strength and get my muscles moving. Sadly I cannot walk too far, although the puppies drag me around the block twice a day. 

I watched "Too Big to Fail" and "Green Zone" the other day and got mad at the Bush administration all over again. Why haven't we hung that son-of-a-bitch yet?

My personality is continuing to change. Not through any plan, intention or design. I suppose I am adjusting to my new life. I have never had so much free time since I was in high school and college, or so little available cash. My interest in playing music matches the time when I was first learning to play. Seems like I am picking up the interests I had back then. I play nearly every day. I add and remove songs from my play list. I hope to play so open mic sessions soon. The local coffee shop, Summit, will be starting their open mic evening soon.

I have added two Warren Zevon songs, " Werewolves of London" and "Lawyers, Guns and Money," Blues Traveler's, "The Mountain Wins Again," and Allison Krause's "Oh Atlanta," Other new one's are by Oasis, Gordon Lightfoot, and James Taylor. I am finding that I am able to think, memorize and generally learn much more quickly than since the brain cancer and subsequent whole brain radiation treatment. That alone is a miracle! I'm playing between 45 minutes and two hours every day. I am finding that some songs better fit different guitars. I want to have a large repertoire available to play what seems right at the time. I may even try to find a partner although earlier attempts have proven unsuccessful. Maybe playing out will inspire someone else. I need a tenor. Would love to find a female vocalist. Once the weather warms maybe I'll just take a guitar downtown and play. Maybe sooner.

Still loving the Hummingbird. I think I need a new saddle but I'm going to continue to get to know her before making any changes. It is only 8:30am (Sunday morning) but all this writing about playing makes me want to play, so I'm off.

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