Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I'm at the Radiation Oncologist's yesterday setting up my radiation treatment plan (starts tomorrow for 25 sessions).  First the nurse takes my history since I was last there (Sept. 2008). Then the Doctor comes in to discuss the treatment plan. While he is there he is asking all kinds of questions about the results of the earlier radiation treatments. I consulted him once about the memory and fatigue issues that resulted afterwards. I was able to explain that through a tremendous amount of work, that I had regained much of my earlier mental abilities. Afterwards he remarked that the cases like mine give oncologists hope and the feeling that they are actually doing something (I guess most people die even with treatment). He even used my case as an example of success to encourage another patient earlier in the day. The Doctor was quite emotional while he said this and the pain of being in a area of medicine without a lot of successes was very apparent. He also stated that they wouldn't be recommending radiation without the amazing results I am experiencing. My docs really believe I can be cured.

This conversation reminded me once again, of the miracle that I am still alive. 

Of course I still have to do the laundry, shopping, walk the dogs in the rain.

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