Hi! Wow, yesterday was a bitch. Absolutely fatigued all day. Hit the sheets about 8:30p and slept until 4am, the back to bed at 7a and slept until 8:30 when Russell decided to wake me up. After 9 hours sleep I feel a bit better. Tried out the antenna tuner this morning and listened to the Voice of Nigeria for 45 minutes in English. Sent them a reception report by email. I used to actually type these reports on areogrammes and wait for the QSL cards. I think I still have the old cards but I have not been able to find them yet. While looking for them I tossed out three large boxes of old papers, time sheets, notes from past jobs, lots of ip addresses, admin passwords, instruction on loading software when I was at Corporate Information Technologies. Guess I won't be needing any of that.
The tuner does appear to help pull weak signals out of the static. My last one seemed to make more of a difference, but I think I have a better antenna design and perhaps a better radio. I was using a Sony ICF-2010 and using two long wire antenna. My long term plan is to erect a second antenna and to get another radio. With the tuner I should be able to switch radios and antennas easily.
One thing I didn't have before was the wealth of information available on the Internet. I was able to pull up the Voice of Nigeria's website while listening to it. Another really cool thing is the information on solar conditions, propogation reports and other listener reports. The new World Radio and TV Handbook (2011) should be ut soon and I've already ordered it.
As the shortbands are pretty shutdown right now, I'm watching 10th episode of Season 8 of 24. No plans for NYE. If recent experience is a guide. I'll be asleep before midnight tomorrow.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
fatigue spell today
10:30am. Wow am I fatigued. Hit, hit suddenly, and hit hard. Added headache for good measure. Felt so good last night that I walked to the meeting and chatted with a new guy and a visitor. Great walk with music and fuzzy hat. Tuned up the radio and spent a lot of time on the 31m band listing to Radio Tunisa, Radio Romania, probably Iran, and the Voice of Turkey. I was also surprised to find the lower bands were active in the daytime. The new inverted-L antenna really shines. The MFJ-595C antenna tuner is on it's way, out for delivery. Excited to try out it out. The Grundig 750 appears to be a competant radio, but I can see that I'll be upgrading to an Icom R-75 or Yaesu VR-5000.
New strings on the Matin D-15. The last set lasted well, which means I wasn't playing it enough, lol. Yairi Dy-40 next. Think I'll sell one of the DY-67's but looks like I've missed Christmas so no rush. No one single person interested in the Piano. Have to post the 1 BR apartment on Craigslist soon, Joel will be out by tomorrow. Hate to see him go, great guy, great tenent.
Dogs in Snow:
New strings on the Matin D-15. The last set lasted well, which means I wasn't playing it enough, lol. Yairi Dy-40 next. Think I'll sell one of the DY-67's but looks like I've missed Christmas so no rush. No one single person interested in the Piano. Have to post the 1 BR apartment on Craigslist soon, Joel will be out by tomorrow. Hate to see him go, great guy, great tenent.
Dogs in Snow:

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Good morning friends and readers.
I finished reading a novel last night, John Folwes', "The Magus". The first time I'd read it was in the fall of 1983, at the age of 26. At the time I found much, in the main character, Nicholas Urfe, I had common, with the way we dealt with the world. He was a completely self-centered individual who justified every action in his own mind, living solely for himself. A tragically depressed character in late adolescence moving for one relationship to another, running as soon as the emotions became too intense and required him to accommodate the emotional needs of the other. I didn't see a thing wrong with him or his view of life at that time. I pretty much continued living this way until I was over 40 years old, moving and checking like a hockey player, fending off any real emotional commitment with those close to me, especially the women in my life. The urge to mate, then the intense urge to escape would follow all too quickly. I acted and reacted to each feeling I had without remorse. I ran through women's lives like a tornado, causing destruction everywhere I went. I lived for the hunt and seduction. Then flee like a scalded dog when the feelings and situation became too real. It took a series of events that bought me to my knees to help me change. A few months later I met a young woman with whom I fell in love and when it got intense, I stayed and worked through the anxiety I felt. The was the first romantic relationship during which I remained faithful, lasting about 7 years. Then the tables were turned, and I had the chance to suffer what I'd be dealing to others. My next relationship ended with me being abandoned again. That was a year ago. Since then I have been licking my wounds and inventorying my romantic history.
As I re-read the novel, I could plainly see the problems of Nicolas, his denial of his own selfish and self centered behavior and was unnerved and yet could find compassion for his character, an understanding of how he became this way and for his unhappy future. The novel ends with Nicholas learning nothing and remaining unchanged through the whole ordeal. I find myself saddened for him and for myself. I have worked through my part in the these and made amends where I can. But, victimizer or victim, I care for neither role. Guess I might be single for a while.
7:00am. The sky is finally begin to brighten. Even the dogs are asleep. Let's have coffee, they'll get up when they feel like it. Not that I am hopping to take them out in 18 degree weather.
I finished reading a novel last night, John Folwes', "The Magus". The first time I'd read it was in the fall of 1983, at the age of 26. At the time I found much, in the main character, Nicholas Urfe, I had common, with the way we dealt with the world. He was a completely self-centered individual who justified every action in his own mind, living solely for himself. A tragically depressed character in late adolescence moving for one relationship to another, running as soon as the emotions became too intense and required him to accommodate the emotional needs of the other. I didn't see a thing wrong with him or his view of life at that time. I pretty much continued living this way until I was over 40 years old, moving and checking like a hockey player, fending off any real emotional commitment with those close to me, especially the women in my life. The urge to mate, then the intense urge to escape would follow all too quickly. I acted and reacted to each feeling I had without remorse. I ran through women's lives like a tornado, causing destruction everywhere I went. I lived for the hunt and seduction. Then flee like a scalded dog when the feelings and situation became too real. It took a series of events that bought me to my knees to help me change. A few months later I met a young woman with whom I fell in love and when it got intense, I stayed and worked through the anxiety I felt. The was the first romantic relationship during which I remained faithful, lasting about 7 years. Then the tables were turned, and I had the chance to suffer what I'd be dealing to others. My next relationship ended with me being abandoned again. That was a year ago. Since then I have been licking my wounds and inventorying my romantic history.
As I re-read the novel, I could plainly see the problems of Nicolas, his denial of his own selfish and self centered behavior and was unnerved and yet could find compassion for his character, an understanding of how he became this way and for his unhappy future. The novel ends with Nicholas learning nothing and remaining unchanged through the whole ordeal. I find myself saddened for him and for myself. I have worked through my part in the these and made amends where I can. But, victimizer or victim, I care for neither role. Guess I might be single for a while.
7:00am. The sky is finally begin to brighten. Even the dogs are asleep. Let's have coffee, they'll get up when they feel like it. Not that I am hopping to take them out in 18 degree weather.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
bread making problem
OK, closer but no loaf. Rose about 1/2 way. I think my yeast got wet too soon. Trying again soon.
Had a real nice Christmas. Got sweaters. Oh and it is snowing!!! Technically a white Christmas. Can't wait to watch the dogs play in the snow tomorrow morning.
Tomorrow, recording guitars with Zoom H2. Part of the string test, are Newtones worth the extra $$$?
Had a real nice Christmas. Got sweaters. Oh and it is snowing!!! Technically a white Christmas. Can't wait to watch the dogs play in the snow tomorrow morning.
Tomorrow, recording guitars with Zoom H2. Part of the string test, are Newtones worth the extra $$$?
Christmas morning musing
Up at 6:30a, the curse of going to bed early. Turn on the Weather Channel, as always, to start the day, and low and behold, a completely different forecast in the making. Snow this afternoon,snow tonight, snow tomorrow! Food in the fridge, heat in the house, new Christmas present Roku all hooked up and configured. Puppies out in a balmy 35 degrees, I, as usual, overdressed. Not a sound was heard, no car seen. The quietest morning I can remember. Listened to the BBC for a few minutes. Buffy marathon on the TV (season 3). Eric to come over at 2p and I guess we'll watch another episode of Dexter, and call our mother. The plan is to head to Joyce's for presents and dinner around 4pm. Maybe we'll make over in the snow. If it does snow it'll be the 4th white Christmas in 136 years. Yea, yea, Life in the South.
Next, into the kitchen to make muffins and another attempt at the bread machine. I'm on some weird bread baking trip. I think it is time to revive my cooking skills, which have atrophied over the past couple of years.
My new life plan of acceptance of my current life seems to be working . If it is an energy day or even moment, I get busy on my projects, and if not I don't torture myself thinking I should be doing something. Acceptance. Another part of the "new life" is working on Compassion. So far a dual action of being nice to everyone all the time, avoiding conflict and when I can helping others avoid conflict. Secondly, when feeling judgemental, to remember to imagine myself in their place, to remember that I could be in the others dilemma. You know, a put for the Grace of God thing.
I used to believe that telling people what they needed to hear was a good thing. Maybe it was but at such a cost to myself. I am detaching from that notion and trying just to be inviting. If someone wants my opinion, they can ask. No more inviting myself.
Back to meditating more and looking to a greater conscious contact. Through bread making, lol. Time to mix ingredients and preheat the oven.
Next, into the kitchen to make muffins and another attempt at the bread machine. I'm on some weird bread baking trip. I think it is time to revive my cooking skills, which have atrophied over the past couple of years.
My new life plan of acceptance of my current life seems to be working . If it is an energy day or even moment, I get busy on my projects, and if not I don't torture myself thinking I should be doing something. Acceptance. Another part of the "new life" is working on Compassion. So far a dual action of being nice to everyone all the time, avoiding conflict and when I can helping others avoid conflict. Secondly, when feeling judgemental, to remember to imagine myself in their place, to remember that I could be in the others dilemma. You know, a put for the Grace of God thing.
I used to believe that telling people what they needed to hear was a good thing. Maybe it was but at such a cost to myself. I am detaching from that notion and trying just to be inviting. If someone wants my opinion, they can ask. No more inviting myself.
Back to meditating more and looking to a greater conscious contact. Through bread making, lol. Time to mix ingredients and preheat the oven.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve Day
Listened to the shortwave last night for a few minutes. 49m through 19m bands open. The new inverted L antenna preformed well. I got an email saying the antenna tuner was on it's way and should be here next Tuesday. I hope they have it fixed. As the solar activity remains low and so only the stronger stations are being heard. The conditions should be improving over the next three years or so and better overall for the next 5 years. So, while it is low now, I look forward to an increase in conditions and reception of distant station.
Yesterday was a productive day. Breakfast with Eric, then we both got haircuts, grocery shopping, finished up the antenna installation, moved furniture to set up the radio "shack" and the wiring.
Waiting to see if we get any snow tomorrow. No plans for tomorrow (Christmas Day) until 4pm when we all meet at my step-mother and her sister's apartment for presents and dinner.
Merry Christmas!
Yesterday was a productive day. Breakfast with Eric, then we both got haircuts, grocery shopping, finished up the antenna installation, moved furniture to set up the radio "shack" and the wiring.
Waiting to see if we get any snow tomorrow. No plans for tomorrow (Christmas Day) until 4pm when we all meet at my step-mother and her sister's apartment for presents and dinner.
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Christmas week
Had breakfast at Toast (of course) with my friend and sponsee, Mitchell. He has been busy with health issues in his family and has been out of state for several weeks. This was the first time I've seen him in a long while. After an hour and a half, we weren't finished talking and plan to have breakfast again tomorrow. Thursday morning brother Eric and I are headed to Asheville to see our mother for the day to celebrate our Christmas with her. We shall celebrate with our other family on Christmas evening.
Tried a new guitar string, Newtones, from England, on the J-200 and the Yairi WK-1 12 string. Wow, what an improvement. I can't wait to try them on the Yamaha, the Martin D-15 and the Yairi Dy-40. Unfortunately they are about twice the price of the D'Addarios (and I have about 12 packs of those). On the Gibson they are slightly higher tone but more even. On the 12 string they toned down the jangling of the higher strings. On both they give a sweeter, richer sound.
Two days ago, one of my neighbors brought 4 8 year old girls to my door bearing a small bag of Christmas cookies. I haven't had a chance to talk to her (I don't even know her name) to tell her what a sweet thing she had done. Seems she invited the girls over to her house to do the baking. I believe they were stopping at all the houses nearby. I was touched by the gesture.
A bit fatigued today, some muscle pain. Hoping for a burst of energy to go play with the puppies and the guitars.
Tried a new guitar string, Newtones, from England, on the J-200 and the Yairi WK-1 12 string. Wow, what an improvement. I can't wait to try them on the Yamaha, the Martin D-15 and the Yairi Dy-40. Unfortunately they are about twice the price of the D'Addarios (and I have about 12 packs of those). On the Gibson they are slightly higher tone but more even. On the 12 string they toned down the jangling of the higher strings. On both they give a sweeter, richer sound.
Two days ago, one of my neighbors brought 4 8 year old girls to my door bearing a small bag of Christmas cookies. I haven't had a chance to talk to her (I don't even know her name) to tell her what a sweet thing she had done. Seems she invited the girls over to her house to do the baking. I believe they were stopping at all the houses nearby. I was touched by the gesture.
A bit fatigued today, some muscle pain. Hoping for a burst of energy to go play with the puppies and the guitars.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Shortwave antenna installed
After living through the fatigue of a single 15mg dose of Rermeron. I had an amazingly productive day yesterday. I was up early and off to breakfast at Toast. Then to the Post Office to pick up my new shortwave antenna which was in. Then to Radio Shack to get the connectors (didn't have them) and then Lowe's Didn't have then either) to Barnes and Nobles to get a gift certificate and to buy a book, which I couldn't find having forgotten the name. The Master Switch by Tim Wu. Then to the Gap for another present, then off to Mooresville and a better stocked Radio Shack. The salesman wasn't able to help, but I found what I needed, a SO-236 to BNC connector. OK, well maybe not a popular item but one I needed. Then back to Lowe's to find a few more items, then home. I borrowed a ladder and a big drill and went to work. Harder than I anticipated and I worked until the sun went down and got the Inverted - L design installed in two large trees near the back of the house. About 60' on the horizontal and 15' on the vertical axis at about 15 feet in the air. Feed the coax to the house and plugged into the radio. It works! Activity from the 90 meter band to the 40 Meter band. Sadly the antenna tuner appears to be DOA. Returning it tomorrow for a repair or replacement.
The antenna was hung by tying a rope to a half brick and heaving it over a limb of a very large tree. The I stretched the wire, coax and and attached another rope to the other end and heaved that end in another large tree closer to the house. The final decision of where to bring the coax (used to shield the signal from local interference) was based on the ease of getting hte connection into the house. That and the guitar room had the best power and ground. Although the choice of an inverted - L was it omni-directional nature, the second will use a different orientation and possible different design. No rush at this point. Of course I say that now, but you know me, I always strive for the best I can do.
Next part of the project is to rearrange the furniture in the guitar room for the shortwave radio "shack". Once they get the tuner back, I'll have completed the final stages of the preparation. Then, onto listening to the world! My long term plans are to add another antenna and if I stick with the hobby, add a better radio in a year or two. The one I bought is a mid-level but I can already see things that I'll need for serious dxing, like single hz tuning and notch filters. Fortunately there are two options in the $500-600 price range.
One really cool aspect of this hobby is the access to data that was very nearly unattainable in the early 1990's via the internet. Massive amounts of data on the Sun, solar activity and the Earth's magnet field, as well as QSL reports from SWL's around the world. The Internet offers so much that was either unavailable or only available but newsletters delivered by post. This should be fun!
Today my brother got the day off due to weather and we had an early breakfast and hung out all day. It was a nice with a walk with the dogs. Sore as hell from the physicality of yesterday's activities.
Breakfast tomorrow with Marsha, back to the Post Office to drop of package, mail the new contract for the hospital bills and pay P.O. box rent. Dinner with Eric and Dawn ( his new girlfriend). She'll get here early enough to make dinner for us. No other plans for the weekend.
The antenna was hung by tying a rope to a half brick and heaving it over a limb of a very large tree. The I stretched the wire, coax and and attached another rope to the other end and heaved that end in another large tree closer to the house. The final decision of where to bring the coax (used to shield the signal from local interference) was based on the ease of getting hte connection into the house. That and the guitar room had the best power and ground. Although the choice of an inverted - L was it omni-directional nature, the second will use a different orientation and possible different design. No rush at this point. Of course I say that now, but you know me, I always strive for the best I can do.
Next part of the project is to rearrange the furniture in the guitar room for the shortwave radio "shack". Once they get the tuner back, I'll have completed the final stages of the preparation. Then, onto listening to the world! My long term plans are to add another antenna and if I stick with the hobby, add a better radio in a year or two. The one I bought is a mid-level but I can already see things that I'll need for serious dxing, like single hz tuning and notch filters. Fortunately there are two options in the $500-600 price range.
One really cool aspect of this hobby is the access to data that was very nearly unattainable in the early 1990's via the internet. Massive amounts of data on the Sun, solar activity and the Earth's magnet field, as well as QSL reports from SWL's around the world. The Internet offers so much that was either unavailable or only available but newsletters delivered by post. This should be fun!
Today my brother got the day off due to weather and we had an early breakfast and hung out all day. It was a nice with a walk with the dogs. Sore as hell from the physicality of yesterday's activities.
Breakfast tomorrow with Marsha, back to the Post Office to drop of package, mail the new contract for the hospital bills and pay P.O. box rent. Dinner with Eric and Dawn ( his new girlfriend). She'll get here early enough to make dinner for us. No other plans for the weekend.
Monday, December 13, 2010
mighty damn cold
At 11am is it 29 degrees and the wind is blowing around 18mph. Going to sleep at 10:15p means 8 hours later is it 6:15a and I am wake awake. Walk puppies in 18 degrees and windy. Bundled up to my eyes. Puppies don't even notice the cold. A hardy breed. I tease them all the time that dogs are far more adapted to the elements while I don sweaters, coat, hat, scarf and gloves. Yes, I don't like to be cold. Out the door by 9a to drop off a prescription, bank machine, the bank for my brother, grocery store, and post office. Bread maker started (3 hours until lunch. Chili to be started around 1:15p. Hope the bread works out, I have not used the bread maker in a while. This all part of my acceptance of my new life. I believe in action as part of changing thoughts and emotions. I'm going to start the antidepressant tonight. The Prozac only lasted a week due to loss of erections. Not that I have any real need, I like being able to have them anyway, you know, just in case. I'll start the new one slowly as I have been highly troubled by side-effects from nearly every drug I have had to take for the past two years. So, the dosage will be low to start. I don't feel depressed and I don't really act depressed and for the most part my thoughts are good, but I'll try it and see. If this one doesn't work, I'll let this idea go. Oddly the St.John's Wort didn't seem to have any effect and it has worked for me in the past. I am keeping an open mind.
I am happy and contented with my life. Not that my life is all that great and wonderful, but I am working on contentment. I have shelter. I have food. I have interests to occupy my mind. I am not in pain (most of the time). I have friends. I have music. I have the companionship of my dogs. I am poor but not broke. I have the gratitude of being alive. That is enough.
I am happy and contented with my life. Not that my life is all that great and wonderful, but I am working on contentment. I have shelter. I have food. I have interests to occupy my mind. I am not in pain (most of the time). I have friends. I have music. I have the companionship of my dogs. I am poor but not broke. I have the gratitude of being alive. That is enough.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Rainy and cold Sunday morning
Warm inside wearing my favorite sweater, made in Nepal from wool, green with a big Om stitched into the wool. I once made it through a multi-day visit to Amsterdam in March with only this sweater and a Goretex shell coat. What was I thinking?
Puppies sleeping and I'm heading to the guitar room for a little strumming and picking and singing. I think I'll make a crab soup for lunch and biscuits. Tomorrow I'll make chili and crank up the bread maker.
Continuing to work towards accepting my reality. I would say new reality but after 2 1/2 years, it ain't all that new. My acceptance is new. I have fought and fought and searched and searched for an answer, a solution, and now have decided to stop fighting. Doesn't mean I shall give up but only to accept this fate and stop trying to live my old life.
New shortwave antenna should get here soon. Once it does I'll check all the connections, and off to the store to find rope, insulators, and grounding items. The last part will be finding a way to get the coax into the house. I've decided on a inverted L design for its non-directionality and that I can use the balun closer to the ground, both figuratively and literally. Hoping to get about 63 feet horizontally and then 17 feet vertically. I'll remember to place tape every five feet on the rope to estimate the height and length of the the antenna.
Off to the guitar room.
Puppies sleeping and I'm heading to the guitar room for a little strumming and picking and singing. I think I'll make a crab soup for lunch and biscuits. Tomorrow I'll make chili and crank up the bread maker.
Continuing to work towards accepting my reality. I would say new reality but after 2 1/2 years, it ain't all that new. My acceptance is new. I have fought and fought and searched and searched for an answer, a solution, and now have decided to stop fighting. Doesn't mean I shall give up but only to accept this fate and stop trying to live my old life.
New shortwave antenna should get here soon. Once it does I'll check all the connections, and off to the store to find rope, insulators, and grounding items. The last part will be finding a way to get the coax into the house. I've decided on a inverted L design for its non-directionality and that I can use the balun closer to the ground, both figuratively and literally. Hoping to get about 63 feet horizontally and then 17 feet vertically. I'll remember to place tape every five feet on the rope to estimate the height and length of the the antenna.
Off to the guitar room.
Friday, December 10, 2010
My house
Before I start calling my insurance company and the hospital of my bills, I thought I tell you about my house. In 2007 my step-mother, Joyce, went into the retirement community and gave my brother and I the two houses they owned in Davidson. My brother got the house my father built and I got the house that had been split into three apartments and had been rental property for about 30 years. Due to tax laws we could not accept the gifts but just moved in and let Joyce keep the titles.
I moved in after much painting and cleaning in the winter of 2007. The house is 76 years old and in the old part of Davidson about 3 blocks from were I attended the 1st grade and two blocks from where we lived when I was 5 until I was 7 years of age. Many of my neighbors I have know for decades. The lot on which the house reside is huge and runs from the street in front to the street behind. There are several large trees, oaks and cedars, which are probably older than the house itself. It is a very large two story structure on a hill maybe 20 feet higher than the main road in front. It reminds me of the grand old houses in the Forest Hill neighborhood in Danville, Va where I lived between the 2nd and 7th grades. We lived in a cinder block apartment building but I tended to cross the road and hang out in that neighborhood. I even raked leaves in that neighborhood and loved the stately brick houses there.
This house is so old that it seems to have a wind chill factor. It is very hard to keep warn, even with the natural gas heater. Get close to a window and you can feel the chill. So the neat comes on and gets too hot, then to cool. other than that, I've made a cozy little place for myself. I'm happy here.
It took me a while to get used to the noise from the two upstairs apartments, then I began to like it. Joel is moving out at the end of the month, the second person who has trouble with the other apartment renters cigarette smoke. Seems the HVAC systems are connected and there is no way to uncouple them. Having the two apartments rented covers the utilities, taxes, and insurance so the house is self-supporting.
I've been pacing out the options of using trees to support the new shortwave antenna(s) and grounding. My new problem will be how to get the coax into the house and into the right room, without having to crawl around under the house.
I moved in after much painting and cleaning in the winter of 2007. The house is 76 years old and in the old part of Davidson about 3 blocks from were I attended the 1st grade and two blocks from where we lived when I was 5 until I was 7 years of age. Many of my neighbors I have know for decades. The lot on which the house reside is huge and runs from the street in front to the street behind. There are several large trees, oaks and cedars, which are probably older than the house itself. It is a very large two story structure on a hill maybe 20 feet higher than the main road in front. It reminds me of the grand old houses in the Forest Hill neighborhood in Danville, Va where I lived between the 2nd and 7th grades. We lived in a cinder block apartment building but I tended to cross the road and hang out in that neighborhood. I even raked leaves in that neighborhood and loved the stately brick houses there.
This house is so old that it seems to have a wind chill factor. It is very hard to keep warn, even with the natural gas heater. Get close to a window and you can feel the chill. So the neat comes on and gets too hot, then to cool. other than that, I've made a cozy little place for myself. I'm happy here.
It took me a while to get used to the noise from the two upstairs apartments, then I began to like it. Joel is moving out at the end of the month, the second person who has trouble with the other apartment renters cigarette smoke. Seems the HVAC systems are connected and there is no way to uncouple them. Having the two apartments rented covers the utilities, taxes, and insurance so the house is self-supporting.
I've been pacing out the options of using trees to support the new shortwave antenna(s) and grounding. My new problem will be how to get the coax into the house and into the right room, without having to crawl around under the house.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
home from the doctor's office
The results of my most recent blood test were in. Seems I'm the picture of health. I mean I'm glad I'm healthy and all but no closer to an answer or a treatment for what ails me. Dr. Thomas thinks now the damage was caused by the surgery and the second radiation oncologist thinks it is from the Whole Brain Radiation. I believe, unless new evidence is produced, that I'm done searching and shall accept my condition.
Puppies went for a long walk today. Up to the college, past Chambers, crossed Main St., visited Toast and Summit Coffee (to see Laura), down South St. where the kids were exiting the school, then turned onto Spring St.and home. Estimated 1.4 miles. A very long walk on three inch long legs. Both puppies down for the count.
Puppies went for a long walk today. Up to the college, past Chambers, crossed Main St., visited Toast and Summit Coffee (to see Laura), down South St. where the kids were exiting the school, then turned onto Spring St.and home. Estimated 1.4 miles. A very long walk on three inch long legs. Both puppies down for the count.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
December 8
Not much new. Russell got a new toy for no reason except I am a compulsive dog toy shopper. He loves it and won't even let me touch it. He ground scored a bagel from the neighbor's yard and carried it around until he could tear off a piece. It is cold and windy but we'll try to walk downtown to visit Laura at her new job at Summit coffee. Skye is getting to her perfect weight and can be a real trooper on these long walks. She likes to walk on her leash, Russell prefers to run. He is very good at staying with us or returning when called.
My new shortwave radio arrived. The higher frequency bands are active and over the next three or four years the lower one's should start propagating too. The antenna tuner should arrive today, so I'm trapped until UPS arrives. I missed them yesterday. Two transformers have been ordered. I have begun testing the level of electrical interference, most for the AC connections in each room. Then I'll know where to arrange the antennas. Next problem, how to get the coax into the house.
I have an appointment to get the results of the blood work tomorrow morning. Maybe, hopefully, I'll get an answer.
UNC and UGA won in basketball. Woohoo. Xmas jam on Saturday.
My new shortwave radio arrived. The higher frequency bands are active and over the next three or four years the lower one's should start propagating too. The antenna tuner should arrive today, so I'm trapped until UPS arrives. I missed them yesterday. Two transformers have been ordered. I have begun testing the level of electrical interference, most for the AC connections in each room. Then I'll know where to arrange the antennas. Next problem, how to get the coax into the house.
I have an appointment to get the results of the blood work tomorrow morning. Maybe, hopefully, I'll get an answer.
UNC and UGA won in basketball. Woohoo. Xmas jam on Saturday.
December 8
Not much new. Russell got a new toy for no reason except I am a compulsive dog toy shopper. He loves it and won't even let me touch it. He ground scored a bagel from the neighbor's yard and carried it around until he could tear off a piece. It is cold and windy but we'll try to walk downtown to visit Laura at her new job at Summit coffee. Skye is getting to her perfect weight and can be a real trooper on these long walks. She likes to walk on her leash, Russell prefers to run. He is very good at stayed with us or returning when called.
My new shortwave radio arrived. The higher frequency bands are active and over the next three or four years the lower one's should start propagating too. The antenna tuner should arrive today, so I'm trapped until UPS arrives. Two transformers have been ordered. I have begun testing the level of electrical interference, most for the AC connections in each room. Then I'll know where to arrange the antennas. Next problem, how to get the coax into the house.
I have an appointment to get the results of the blood work tomorrow morning. Maybe, hopefully, I'll get an answer.
UNC and UGA won in basketball. Woohoo. Xmas jam on Saturday.
My new shortwave radio arrived. The higher frequency bands are active and over the next three or four years the lower one's should start propagating too. The antenna tuner should arrive today, so I'm trapped until UPS arrives. Two transformers have been ordered. I have begun testing the level of electrical interference, most for the AC connections in each room. Then I'll know where to arrange the antennas. Next problem, how to get the coax into the house.
I have an appointment to get the results of the blood work tomorrow morning. Maybe, hopefully, I'll get an answer.
UNC and UGA won in basketball. Woohoo. Xmas jam on Saturday.
Friday, December 3, 2010
more bloodwork
At Lakeside Family Physicians to get yet another round of blood tests to see if they can find what the hell is wrong with me. Except for another kidney stone I had a good couple of days, but crash around 6pm each night.
There are a few things in this Universe that I do not understand. The Meaning of Life, Antenna Theory, greed and why I'be been so sick for 2 1/2 years. This round of blood tests is a grasping at straws to find an answer. After this I am just tapped out if ideas. Results should be in within the week.
So my new radio will be here on Monday and the new antenna tuner on Tuesday. The there will be some basic testing for in house interference and then deciding where to install the antenna wires outside. I'm thinking two to start. Long wire antennas work better at picking up signals from the sides and worse at the ends. The longer line will be about 84 feet oriented northeast and southwest Europe and Africa). The length is a factor of the 1/4 wavelength for multiple frequency bands (120, 09, 06, 45, 30) but also that avoid the 1/2 wavelength and harmonics associated. Happily my internet research has found someone who has worked out the calculations already. A second independent line will run 41 feet and be oriented northwest and southeast for the South Pacific and South America. This second antenna would also catch the signals coming across the north polar region. The goal will be to get the antennas as high as possible and away from the house, but also a good distance from the power lines that run both in along the roads in front and behind the house.
I bet you are wondering how radio signals can travel 1/2 way around the globe as radio waves cannot bend. They bounce into the ionosphere (F1 and F2 layers). The these waves return to Earth and bounce again into the ionosphere and back to earth again. These are called hops. A signal can hop many times but as the do they lost power and pick up interference. So Radio New Zealand broadcasting at only 7.5megawatts will be very hard to receive. The ionosphere is charged by particles from the sun caught in the upper layers of the atmosphere. Not enough charged particles and the F2 layer will not bounce the signal and it will drift off into space. Too many charged particles create too much interference. There is an 11 year cycle of sunspot activity will causes the conditions that make radio wave propagation possible. We appear to be on the beginning of the upswing of solar activity. We should see improving conditions for the next 4-5 yeas. At the low point the cycle the bands will be fairly quiet and near the high point, a beehive of activity.
Who uses short wave? In many parts of the world short wave is the medium for radio, as AM (medium wave) and FM are used. Also, marine, utilities, and ham radio use these frequencies. Aircraft use ultrahigh frequencies for their communication. DXers, people to scan the short wave bands for interesting programming from around the world, music and news. Also the challenge of digging out a regional station from the interference and noise of the radio bands makes for an interesting hobby.
I'll be deciding where to hang the antennas and figure out how to run the leads into the house and ground the antennas. I have several trees that will work. The hard part will be getting high enough to attach the wires. So off to find the necessary hardware, 150' of coated single solid core wire, connections to attach the signal wire to coax, coaxial to get the signal to the tuner. Sr-236 connectors, ground wire and clamp.
There are a few things in this Universe that I do not understand. The Meaning of Life, Antenna Theory, greed and why I'be been so sick for 2 1/2 years. This round of blood tests is a grasping at straws to find an answer. After this I am just tapped out if ideas. Results should be in within the week.
So my new radio will be here on Monday and the new antenna tuner on Tuesday. The there will be some basic testing for in house interference and then deciding where to install the antenna wires outside. I'm thinking two to start. Long wire antennas work better at picking up signals from the sides and worse at the ends. The longer line will be about 84 feet oriented northeast and southwest Europe and Africa). The length is a factor of the 1/4 wavelength for multiple frequency bands (120, 09, 06, 45, 30) but also that avoid the 1/2 wavelength and harmonics associated. Happily my internet research has found someone who has worked out the calculations already. A second independent line will run 41 feet and be oriented northwest and southeast for the South Pacific and South America. This second antenna would also catch the signals coming across the north polar region. The goal will be to get the antennas as high as possible and away from the house, but also a good distance from the power lines that run both in along the roads in front and behind the house.
I bet you are wondering how radio signals can travel 1/2 way around the globe as radio waves cannot bend. They bounce into the ionosphere (F1 and F2 layers). The these waves return to Earth and bounce again into the ionosphere and back to earth again. These are called hops. A signal can hop many times but as the do they lost power and pick up interference. So Radio New Zealand broadcasting at only 7.5megawatts will be very hard to receive. The ionosphere is charged by particles from the sun caught in the upper layers of the atmosphere. Not enough charged particles and the F2 layer will not bounce the signal and it will drift off into space. Too many charged particles create too much interference. There is an 11 year cycle of sunspot activity will causes the conditions that make radio wave propagation possible. We appear to be on the beginning of the upswing of solar activity. We should see improving conditions for the next 4-5 yeas. At the low point the cycle the bands will be fairly quiet and near the high point, a beehive of activity.
Who uses short wave? In many parts of the world short wave is the medium for radio, as AM (medium wave) and FM are used. Also, marine, utilities, and ham radio use these frequencies. Aircraft use ultrahigh frequencies for their communication. DXers, people to scan the short wave bands for interesting programming from around the world, music and news. Also the challenge of digging out a regional station from the interference and noise of the radio bands makes for an interesting hobby.
I'll be deciding where to hang the antennas and figure out how to run the leads into the house and ground the antennas. I have several trees that will work. The hard part will be getting high enough to attach the wires. So off to find the necessary hardware, 150' of coated single solid core wire, connections to attach the signal wire to coax, coaxial to get the signal to the tuner. Sr-236 connectors, ground wire and clamp.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
world band radio
Ok, First I'll stop bitching about my illness. Does seem to occupy a great deal of my time and when I get to thinking about blogging, it is usually on my mind. I'll add a post on the results of the next blood work and then enough is enough. Frankly there is just not much going on in my life. Hence the paucity of posts these days.
Ordered my Christmas present today. A friend once told me when you are single you must buy yourself a present at Christmas and birthdays. In keeping with that advice I have. Damn thing went up in price from yesterday. Oh well.
The first picture is the Grundig GS750. A mid-priced shortwave receiver. I can always upgrade later.
The second is an antenna tuner. I had an earlier version of this in the early 90's. worked like a dream. One strings up a run of wire and this little puppy effectively changes its length (electronically) to match the length to match a 1/4 or 1/2 wavelength of the frequency group one is targetting, that os the frequency of the station one is trying to pick up. Now the BBC is easy to get but Radio New Zealand is much harder and at lower wattage output, must be dug out of the din.
Ok, Ok my inner geek is showing badly now.
The first picture is the Grundig GS750. A mid-priced shortwave receiver. I can always upgrade later.
The second is an antenna tuner. I had an earlier version of this in the early 90's. worked like a dream. One strings up a run of wire and this little puppy effectively changes its length (electronically) to match the length to match a 1/4 or 1/2 wavelength of the frequency group one is targetting, that os the frequency of the station one is trying to pick up. Now the BBC is easy to get but Radio New Zealand is much harder and at lower wattage output, must be dug out of the din.
Ok, Ok my inner geek is showing badly now.
chasing the reason for my fatigue
My Neurologist appointment went well. I know what day if the week it is and what county his office is in. Oriented x3 and cranial nerves intact. He recommended seeing my PCP for blood test for low Testosterone and paraThyroid levels. I think they just fried some of the circuits in my brain that could not repair themselves.
To date:
1st I thought is was the cancer effects, then the surgery, then the radiation (Whole Brain Radiation pretty much sucks, but they only use it when the side effects won't be a long term problem, because they figure you won't survive anyway. Then, I blamed each and every drug they gave me for seizures (oddly I've been off all of those since Easter without one single seizure). So if the next tests are negative, then I guess I'm fucked. I knew I'd feel like this someday but I thought is would be in my 70's. No male in my father's line (or mother's either) has lived past 65 anyway.
Consults: two radiation oncologists, a hematological oncologist, a neuropsychologist, 2 neurologists, 2 internal med docs, 10 hours of psychological testing, EEG, no answers. Last blood tests revealed nothing.
My Neurologist really pushed going into therapy. Didn't have the heart to tell him I know pretty much anything someone could tell me. My Master's degree is in Rehabilitation Counseling. The other problem with that is I have run out of money having spent it all on doctors, hospitals and insurance payments. My insurance coverage for the last 4 months was over $4,000 and out of pocket well over that.
Funny thing is I'm not depressed, overall I'm pretty happy, if frustrated. I just miss my old life.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Good morning friends,
It is Monday, although that means almost nothing to me. It is so odd to experience life as I do these days. I was once, and not so long ago, a very driven man
One of the first differences is the day and date doesn't matter as it once did. I have always organized my life by time. I have years and years of past calendars full of obligations and activities.
Yea, still struggling. I did have an idea from my past. When I was 10 I borrowed a short wave radio and learned there was a whole world coming to me in the form of radio waves. As a Christmas when I was 11 or 12 I got my own shortwave a Panasonic RF-200. When I wore that one out and in graduate school, I bought a Sony ICF-2200. Then a piece of crap that failed soon after I bought it and I cannot remember the manufacturer. Oh a Uniden.
Considering a Grundig Satellit 750. Not terribly expensive but enough to get me back in the game. The plan would be an MFJ 959C antenna tuner (had one before) and a long wire or inverted L antenna that I could string up around the backyard. I've installed three arrays before. the largest was tuned to the 1/4 wave length of the 90m, 75m, 60m short wave bands. Might get a police scanner too.
Technically interesting from antenna theory, to radio wave propagation, to studying solar activity and tropospheric excitation. Once one finds a station, then opportunity to get the news from an entirely different viewpoint. I used to listen to Radio 5 in South Africa, which was a local broadcast before the end of Apartheid. Regionals were my favorite as these broadcasts are intended for folks in their own countries. I also used to hear the pot smugglers off the coast relaying instructions to the small boats about picking up their loads.
Looking into home coffee roasters next.
I have an appointment with my Neurologist this afternoon and hope to discuss CFS or just depression.
It is Monday, although that means almost nothing to me. It is so odd to experience life as I do these days. I was once, and not so long ago, a very driven man
One of the first differences is the day and date doesn't matter as it once did. I have always organized my life by time. I have years and years of past calendars full of obligations and activities.
Yea, still struggling. I did have an idea from my past. When I was 10 I borrowed a short wave radio and learned there was a whole world coming to me in the form of radio waves. As a Christmas when I was 11 or 12 I got my own shortwave a Panasonic RF-200. When I wore that one out and in graduate school, I bought a Sony ICF-2200. Then a piece of crap that failed soon after I bought it and I cannot remember the manufacturer. Oh a Uniden.
Considering a Grundig Satellit 750. Not terribly expensive but enough to get me back in the game. The plan would be an MFJ 959C antenna tuner (had one before) and a long wire or inverted L antenna that I could string up around the backyard. I've installed three arrays before. the largest was tuned to the 1/4 wave length of the 90m, 75m, 60m short wave bands. Might get a police scanner too.
Technically interesting from antenna theory, to radio wave propagation, to studying solar activity and tropospheric excitation. Once one finds a station, then opportunity to get the news from an entirely different viewpoint. I used to listen to Radio 5 in South Africa, which was a local broadcast before the end of Apartheid. Regionals were my favorite as these broadcasts are intended for folks in their own countries. I also used to hear the pot smugglers off the coast relaying instructions to the small boats about picking up their loads.
Looking into home coffee roasters next.
I have an appointment with my Neurologist this afternoon and hope to discuss CFS or just depression.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving to all
Happy Thanksgiving!
I've been looking forward to this weekend; food, family, friends, fun and music. Happily I also don't have to travel. My weirdly organized, made up family gets together at 1pm. Then around 7pm old friends for my high school days, who are in town to see their families, will get together at my house. Must run to the store for a few snacks for my guests before lunch and I hope something is open.
I looked into seeing a Doctor who specializes in CFS. Unfortunately his practice is "fee for service" and so it will cost around a $1000 just for the initial appointment. My insurer may reimburse me for the expense but I fear getting into even more medical debt. Especially as there is no treatment and any diagnosis would mainly involve ruling out other conditions, which I have been doing for the past two years, through oncology (hematological testing), neurology (EEG), hours of neuropsychological testing. Since I know I meet the criteria for a CFS diagnosis, I don't see any real reason to document it at this time. If I do, I'll check with my Neurologist on Monday for my regularly scheduled appointment.
At first I blamed it on the cancer, then the surgery, then the radiation, then the anti-seizure medication side effects. As all of that is in the past, I still have the symptoms. Any or all of these events may have kicked off the CFS. At least with that explanation/diagnosis I can move forward with accepting what is happening to me.
So, in order to accept and then accommodate to my new situation, understanding helps. I am going to be this way for a while, there is no way to know if it will improve soon, later or even ever. First is to understand how I feel and of what I am capable. I have contacted my editor at Honest Tune and explained why I won't be soliciting new assignments. I plan to scale back commitments and do what I can, when I can. I have read everything I can find and have started Vitamin therapy (D3, B12) and anti-depressant (St. John's Wort). I am waking between one and two miles a day, with the puppies. I'm helping out designing the technical aspects of the recording studio at the Birdsnest. I placed a notice on the website, BandMix, to find folks with whom to play.
I'm working on letting myself off the hook for not being able to do all the things I used to be able to do. I've always been fairly driven, earning two graduate degrees, scuba, sailing, flying, concert photography, hiking, always learning and trying new things. It is very hard to experience the complete change in my life. I am simply not the man I used to be.
My attitude is good. I am glad for everyday I'm alive. Even on the days where I am so tired I cannot leave the house or even play a guitar, I still feel joy, a spark within me that will not be extinguished. I'm often alone but rarely lonely.
I am also glad for the love from my two corgis
I've been looking forward to this weekend; food, family, friends, fun and music. Happily I also don't have to travel. My weirdly organized, made up family gets together at 1pm. Then around 7pm old friends for my high school days, who are in town to see their families, will get together at my house. Must run to the store for a few snacks for my guests before lunch and I hope something is open.
I looked into seeing a Doctor who specializes in CFS. Unfortunately his practice is "fee for service" and so it will cost around a $1000 just for the initial appointment. My insurer may reimburse me for the expense but I fear getting into even more medical debt. Especially as there is no treatment and any diagnosis would mainly involve ruling out other conditions, which I have been doing for the past two years, through oncology (hematological testing), neurology (EEG), hours of neuropsychological testing. Since I know I meet the criteria for a CFS diagnosis, I don't see any real reason to document it at this time. If I do, I'll check with my Neurologist on Monday for my regularly scheduled appointment.
At first I blamed it on the cancer, then the surgery, then the radiation, then the anti-seizure medication side effects. As all of that is in the past, I still have the symptoms. Any or all of these events may have kicked off the CFS. At least with that explanation/diagnosis I can move forward with accepting what is happening to me.
So, in order to accept and then accommodate to my new situation, understanding helps. I am going to be this way for a while, there is no way to know if it will improve soon, later or even ever. First is to understand how I feel and of what I am capable. I have contacted my editor at Honest Tune and explained why I won't be soliciting new assignments. I plan to scale back commitments and do what I can, when I can. I have read everything I can find and have started Vitamin therapy (D3, B12) and anti-depressant (St. John's Wort). I am waking between one and two miles a day, with the puppies. I'm helping out designing the technical aspects of the recording studio at the Birdsnest. I placed a notice on the website, BandMix, to find folks with whom to play.
I'm working on letting myself off the hook for not being able to do all the things I used to be able to do. I've always been fairly driven, earning two graduate degrees, scuba, sailing, flying, concert photography, hiking, always learning and trying new things. It is very hard to experience the complete change in my life. I am simply not the man I used to be.
My attitude is good. I am glad for everyday I'm alive. Even on the days where I am so tired I cannot leave the house or even play a guitar, I still feel joy, a spark within me that will not be extinguished. I'm often alone but rarely lonely.
I am also glad for the love from my two corgis
Sunday, November 21, 2010
took me a while to get back to this
Been a little busy, either getting done or sitting totally fatigued.
On Thursday, Nov. 11, my brother and I drove up to Asheville for our Mother's 75th birthday. Nice day and we had lunch and found a coffee shop where we stayed for a while. Weekend was uneventful, watched Georgia football. Had meals with my brother. Monday drove to Fine's Musical Instruments to have the tuning keys replaced in my Gibson J-200. Drove back on Tuesday with a repaired guitar. On Thursday I headed to the Visualite in Charlotte to shoot and write up the Jimmy Herring Band. Excellent show. Much more energy live than the only CD this band has produced. Friday was another busy day. Starting at the Birdsnest working on the computer set up for the recording studio, breakfast, then the new Harry Potter movie. Afterwards, my brother and his new girlfriend, invited me for dinner and to watch the UNC basketball game. Then we headed to the Neighborhood Theater to see (and shoot) Yo' Mama's Big Fat Booty band. Saturday we had breakfast at the Toast Cafe, as usual. The afternoon was doggy oriented, play time and walk. Then the fatigue hit again and just resting since. Appears that any energy I expend must be paid for afterwards.
Earlier I had signed up for the website BandMix. I sent out a few emails looking for people with whom to play. I was contacted my four different guys about play and each involved log conversations on interested, influences and goals.
Mike from Mooresville is coming over Monday after noon to play. Paul from England by way of NJ, has sent scores for me to learn. Mike from New York will be moving down from NY in late December. Skydiving Rhino is up for a jam sometime. Lefty Bud is busy now but wants to try later.
Today, mostly fatigued. Need to edit photos of Herring Band and YMBFBB for Honest Tune and finish writing the review of the Herring band. My brother will be coming over to watch the UNC basketball game.
Next week is the Thankgiving week. Not too much planned right now, which seems to be the best way for me to roll as I cannot predict how I will feel any given day until I wake up. Yesterday simply doesn't predict today for me.
Found a new vocal aid from TC Helicon. It is a device like my vocal harmonizer, but this one corrects for tone. You can hear both your own voice and your corrected voice as a traning tool for singing on key. Looks like my Christmas present to myself.
Thanks for reading. Hope I'll have more to say sooner.
On Thursday, Nov. 11, my brother and I drove up to Asheville for our Mother's 75th birthday. Nice day and we had lunch and found a coffee shop where we stayed for a while. Weekend was uneventful, watched Georgia football. Had meals with my brother. Monday drove to Fine's Musical Instruments to have the tuning keys replaced in my Gibson J-200. Drove back on Tuesday with a repaired guitar. On Thursday I headed to the Visualite in Charlotte to shoot and write up the Jimmy Herring Band. Excellent show. Much more energy live than the only CD this band has produced. Friday was another busy day. Starting at the Birdsnest working on the computer set up for the recording studio, breakfast, then the new Harry Potter movie. Afterwards, my brother and his new girlfriend, invited me for dinner and to watch the UNC basketball game. Then we headed to the Neighborhood Theater to see (and shoot) Yo' Mama's Big Fat Booty band. Saturday we had breakfast at the Toast Cafe, as usual. The afternoon was doggy oriented, play time and walk. Then the fatigue hit again and just resting since. Appears that any energy I expend must be paid for afterwards.
Earlier I had signed up for the website BandMix. I sent out a few emails looking for people with whom to play. I was contacted my four different guys about play and each involved log conversations on interested, influences and goals.
Mike from Mooresville is coming over Monday after noon to play. Paul from England by way of NJ, has sent scores for me to learn. Mike from New York will be moving down from NY in late December. Skydiving Rhino is up for a jam sometime. Lefty Bud is busy now but wants to try later.
Today, mostly fatigued. Need to edit photos of Herring Band and YMBFBB for Honest Tune and finish writing the review of the Herring band. My brother will be coming over to watch the UNC basketball game.
Next week is the Thankgiving week. Not too much planned right now, which seems to be the best way for me to roll as I cannot predict how I will feel any given day until I wake up. Yesterday simply doesn't predict today for me.
Found a new vocal aid from TC Helicon. It is a device like my vocal harmonizer, but this one corrects for tone. You can hear both your own voice and your corrected voice as a traning tool for singing on key. Looks like my Christmas present to myself.
Thanks for reading. Hope I'll have more to say sooner.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
brain tumors and chronic fatigue
Do I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and/or Fibromyalgia?
There are some associations found by researchers between CFS and brain cancer.
I just spent the last hour researching Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Seems only fair as I am not at the Umphreys McGee show tonight due to extreme exhaustion. I appear to meet 5-6 of the 8 criteria. It would explain my chronic pain as well.
Source Mayo Clinic website:
YES Fatigue
YES Loss of memory or concentration
sometimes Sore throat
No Painful and mildly enlarged lymph nodes in your neck or armpits
YES Unexplained muscle pain
YES Pain that moves from one joint to another without swelling or redness
YES Headache of a new type, pattern or severity
YES Unrefreshing sleep
YES Extreme exhaustion lasting more than 24 hours after physical or mental exercise
■Abdominal pain
■Allergies or sensitivities to foods, alcohol, odors, chemicals, medications or noise
■Chest pain
■Dizziness, balance problems
■Morning stiffness
■Chills and night sweats
■Psychological problems, such as depression, irritability
■Tingling sensations
■Visual disturbances, such as blurring
■Weight loss or gain
I definitely have problems of memory and learning new tasks. Exhaustion that cannot be explained by lack of sleep or over activity. When I exert myself I usually pay for it the next day. I make plans but often can not complete them, as tonight's missing my favorite band without any other reason. Chronic cold/flu symptoms. I can eat a breakfast of eggs, grits, sausage or bacon, bread, tons of coffee and come home still tired. I can sleep poorly or well and it makes little difference in predicting how I shall feel the rest of the day. I have pain that moves around that I generally attribute to kidney stones but it can go on for weeks. Also the sites of the pain can range from shoulder to neck, ribs, stomach, legs, knees, almost anywhere. I can spend nearly all day in one spot, my chair in front of my TV.
I have been walking, over two miles yesterday, one walk with the dogs and a second without. I spend time with others nearly everyday, spend time talking to friends and family on the phone and social networking websites. Playing guitar and singing help my mood. I study music and guitar construction. I read novels and non-fiction and the New Yorker, Wired, Music, Acoustic Guitar. I read the news on many websites as well as watching MSNBC, CNN, NBC and local news.
For a long time I thought these symptoms were a result of various medications I took for a seizure disorder. But now, I am finding my fatigue problem to be getting no better. I have good days and even several in a row, but most days are not good. I am just not the man I was 3 years ago.
I'll be seeing my neurologist in a couple of weeks and shall start there. I'll start back on St. John Wort.
There are some associations found by researchers between CFS and brain cancer.
I just spent the last hour researching Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Seems only fair as I am not at the Umphreys McGee show tonight due to extreme exhaustion. I appear to meet 5-6 of the 8 criteria. It would explain my chronic pain as well.
Source Mayo Clinic website:
YES Fatigue
YES Loss of memory or concentration
sometimes Sore throat
No Painful and mildly enlarged lymph nodes in your neck or armpits
YES Unexplained muscle pain
YES Pain that moves from one joint to another without swelling or redness
YES Headache of a new type, pattern or severity
YES Unrefreshing sleep
YES Extreme exhaustion lasting more than 24 hours after physical or mental exercise
■Abdominal pain
■Allergies or sensitivities to foods, alcohol, odors, chemicals, medications or noise
■Chest pain
■Dizziness, balance problems
■Morning stiffness
■Chills and night sweats
■Psychological problems, such as depression, irritability
■Tingling sensations
■Visual disturbances, such as blurring
■Weight loss or gain
I definitely have problems of memory and learning new tasks. Exhaustion that cannot be explained by lack of sleep or over activity. When I exert myself I usually pay for it the next day. I make plans but often can not complete them, as tonight's missing my favorite band without any other reason. Chronic cold/flu symptoms. I can eat a breakfast of eggs, grits, sausage or bacon, bread, tons of coffee and come home still tired. I can sleep poorly or well and it makes little difference in predicting how I shall feel the rest of the day. I have pain that moves around that I generally attribute to kidney stones but it can go on for weeks. Also the sites of the pain can range from shoulder to neck, ribs, stomach, legs, knees, almost anywhere. I can spend nearly all day in one spot, my chair in front of my TV.
I have been walking, over two miles yesterday, one walk with the dogs and a second without. I spend time with others nearly everyday, spend time talking to friends and family on the phone and social networking websites. Playing guitar and singing help my mood. I study music and guitar construction. I read novels and non-fiction and the New Yorker, Wired, Music, Acoustic Guitar. I read the news on many websites as well as watching MSNBC, CNN, NBC and local news.
For a long time I thought these symptoms were a result of various medications I took for a seizure disorder. But now, I am finding my fatigue problem to be getting no better. I have good days and even several in a row, but most days are not good. I am just not the man I was 3 years ago.
I'll be seeing my neurologist in a couple of weeks and shall start there. I'll start back on St. John Wort.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Monday morning
A cold Monday morning and the puppies take their sweet time getting their business done. I forgot the rule, below 40 degrees, wear gloves. Russell thought that I should get up at 7am as it was light and he doesn't seem to understand the time change on Sunday. As it is getting colder and the days shorter, we're changing walk time to early afternoon. Skye has been doing so well on these long walks, she really gotten into better physical shape. I think she enjoys these walks and just trots alongside her Dad. Yesterday Russell got to play football with some of the Davidson students in front of Chambers. He ran and ran chasing the football or the carrier.
Less pain so far today and seems to be lower, which is always good. Counting on good fortune to make the Umphreys McGee show in Boone on Wednesday night.
If case you were wondering what a supercollision
looks like using lead ions.
added at 3pm:
Skye did well on our walk. She was limping a little so we took a shorter walk up to the graveyard. We stopped at my father's grave, in the shade of an elm tree. He passed 20 years ago this month. I'll be buried there too.Turned into a lovely day the temperature climbing 35 degrees from our morning walk.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
the best dream ever
Monday night my puppy awakened me around 1:00 am Tuesday from a fantastic dream. I don't recall the story, all I remember is a series of images. The dream was full of people who are or have been in my life. We were all close together and the feeling state was ecstasy. It was the most positive, uplifting, feeling of being loved, contented and at peace with everything. When I pulled myself out of the dream, at the insistence of Russell the Corgi, my first thought was, I hope heaven is like this. It was simply the best felling I've ever had, awake or dreaming. It seemed like the boundaries that separate us were gone. A feeling of unity of thought and experience in the very here and now. Falling asleep last night, I hoped that I would have that dream again, but alas, no.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
kidney stones
Hi to you all.
I've been waylaid by a stone or two for the past few days. I have hardly left the house in more than a week. Quite painful and distracting. Hurts to even play my guitar. The pain isn't constant but often enough that keeps me from making plans as I never know when the more severe pain will hit. I've been researching diets again, but there seems to be almost no agreement between researchers. The worst part is trying out different diets because no one seems to know how long it takes to form a stone. Forming over possibly days, months or even years, makes it impossible to know what or what not to eat as without any time frame,and making researching even my own condition, impractical. Everyone does agree that drinking lots of water helps dilute the urine and in the case of existing stones, helps push them through. So I am pounding down the H2O.
So, I'm keeping up with the general news on several sites and reading as I can. An acquittance of mine just found out his cancer has returned. I'm presently research statistics on cancer returning and prognosis. Wow I'm finding myself having a strong emotion reaction to this news. I suppose I have been kind of repressing the thought that this could happen to me.
Well, storms and tornado warnings are heading this way and I better take out the puppies before it hits.
I've been waylaid by a stone or two for the past few days. I have hardly left the house in more than a week. Quite painful and distracting. Hurts to even play my guitar. The pain isn't constant but often enough that keeps me from making plans as I never know when the more severe pain will hit. I've been researching diets again, but there seems to be almost no agreement between researchers. The worst part is trying out different diets because no one seems to know how long it takes to form a stone. Forming over possibly days, months or even years, makes it impossible to know what or what not to eat as without any time frame,and making researching even my own condition, impractical. Everyone does agree that drinking lots of water helps dilute the urine and in the case of existing stones, helps push them through. So I am pounding down the H2O.
So, I'm keeping up with the general news on several sites and reading as I can. An acquittance of mine just found out his cancer has returned. I'm presently research statistics on cancer returning and prognosis. Wow I'm finding myself having a strong emotion reaction to this news. I suppose I have been kind of repressing the thought that this could happen to me.
Well, storms and tornado warnings are heading this way and I better take out the puppies before it hits.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
coolest product ever ...Audioengine AW1

Set up is, plug in the transceiver (tiny sound card built-in) to the computer usb port. Then plug in the receiver into a wall jack and the RCA jacks into the amplifier. That's it.
It is the cheapest wireless solution I could find and it sounds great.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I'm getting some kind of bug
It started Saturday night with a headache and by Monday joint pain, tired and listless, today all that and a sore throat. It's been a long time since I felt sick. Whatever "crud" is going around, I got it.
Got the Elon and Charlotte photos edited and uploaded. I felt the Elon photos were too poor to post on the PGroove site. Device for transmitting music from computer to stereo should be here today. Must stagger to grocery store too.
<<< I'm here in here
Got the Elon and Charlotte photos edited and uploaded. I felt the Elon photos were too poor to post on the PGroove site. Device for transmitting music from computer to stereo should be here today. Must stagger to grocery store too.
<<< I'm here in here
Sunday, October 17, 2010
another great weekend
Played on the Birdsnest front porch again on Saturday about noon, when it had warmed some outside. Not much foot traffic but I had a good time. I like performing and singing. Took the Yamaha this time and it is just a great guitar. Rusty and Billy were supposed to play but neither showed, so I played for about 90 minutes. Tooks the puppies for a long walk then got ready to head to Charlotte for the PGroove show.
It was an excellent show and the band played a lot of the older songs. The band didn't get started until 11:30pm and I stayed until the end and returned home around 2:30am. Happy as I could be.
While I was running around taking (297) photos, a young lady stopped me to express how much she had enjoyed my playing on Monday night. Not a quick enjoyed the music but she was quite emphatic and went on and on. She even said she took a picture of me playing. I had thought about skipping the next Monday but changed my mind and plan to go tomorrow night. I shall pick out 4 or 5 faster tunes, more geared towards audience and venue.
Posted the Elon pics and am presently working on the Neighborhood Theater show photos.
Monday, play at the Comet, Wednesday, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals at the Visualite, Thursday, PGroove in Asheville, and Saturday back at the Birdsnest for the open mic.
I am watching the foilage reports to find the right day to make a trip up NC 181 to Linville Gorge and the the Blue Ridge Parkway past Grandfather Mt. and on into Blowing Rock and back down NC 321. Right now it looks like early next week.
It was an excellent show and the band played a lot of the older songs. The band didn't get started until 11:30pm and I stayed until the end and returned home around 2:30am. Happy as I could be.
While I was running around taking (297) photos, a young lady stopped me to express how much she had enjoyed my playing on Monday night. Not a quick enjoyed the music but she was quite emphatic and went on and on. She even said she took a picture of me playing. I had thought about skipping the next Monday but changed my mind and plan to go tomorrow night. I shall pick out 4 or 5 faster tunes, more geared towards audience and venue.
Posted the Elon pics and am presently working on the Neighborhood Theater show photos.
Monday, play at the Comet, Wednesday, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals at the Visualite, Thursday, PGroove in Asheville, and Saturday back at the Birdsnest for the open mic.
I am watching the foilage reports to find the right day to make a trip up NC 181 to Linville Gorge and the the Blue Ridge Parkway past Grandfather Mt. and on into Blowing Rock and back down NC 321. Right now it looks like early next week.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
late night drive
Managed to make it to Elon for the PGroove show at the Fat Frogg last night. Once again the GPS give interesting information but not such great directions. Good show and lots of friends there. Lighting was awful and I only took a few pictures. Haven't downloaded them yet.
Got home around 2am during the storm but missed the worst of it. Drank so much coffee that I was up until 4am and awakened around 6:30 from weird and vivid dreams. Back to bed around 10am and up at 1pm.
Still downloading:
Obsession x availabilty x time = 199GB of music files. 23,551 Files, 1,544 Folders.
Now how to get them to play on my stereo as the Linksys Music Bridge refuses to work on OS7.
Got home around 2am during the storm but missed the worst of it. Drank so much coffee that I was up until 4am and awakened around 6:30 from weird and vivid dreams. Back to bed around 10am and up at 1pm.
Still downloading:
Obsession x availabilty x time = 199GB of music files. 23,551 Files, 1,544 Folders.
Now how to get them to play on my stereo as the Linksys Music Bridge refuses to work on OS7.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
last few minutes of rest before ...
I drove down to Dilworth last night to join in the open mic night at the Comet Grill. Jason invited me and his band (Noises 10) did most of the playing. The played lots of fun covers. Jason is very good. Unfortunately for me, there wasn't enough light on the stage to read my music and the more anxious I felt, the worse my memory became. Self rated: D. I plan to play only upbeat and faster songs. Oh and take a light, lol. While I was there waiting I realized most of my favorite songs to play are slow and low key. Plugged in and stood to play during my practice time today and worked on faster bar songs. Thinking of Dylan's "Everybody Must Get Stoned."
I'll play the slower stuff at Summit Coffee in their open mic nights and at the Birdsnest. Several people stopped to compliment me on my playing last night. Which was nice.
Tomorrow night, PGroove in Elon, Friday, Grace Potter in Asheville, PGroove, Saturday in Charlotte.
I'll play the slower stuff at Summit Coffee in their open mic nights and at the Birdsnest. Several people stopped to compliment me on my playing last night. Which was nice.
Tomorrow night, PGroove in Elon, Friday, Grace Potter in Asheville, PGroove, Saturday in Charlotte.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
great weekend
I'm glad to see the numbers of visitors here growing. I like sharing with the world.
Wonderful weekend.
Friday, lunch in Charlotte with Shelly.
Breakfast with brother Eric and his new friend. She seems nice enough. We walked over to the Davidson College campus and listened to Billy and his band, Then home to play with the dogs. Around 1pm we head over to the Birdsnest to play at the open mic on the porch on Main Street. I played for an hour and a half, then Billy came down and played a few songs on my Yairi DYC-40. A five year old made a request, for Dylan's "Knocking on Heaven's Door." Watched the Georgia game. Went to dinner with friends and hung afterwards with Billy (a different one) and Leslie. New strings for the Yairi before bed.
Slept well and up early. Drove to Waxhaw to see my old friend Mike. A couple of weeks ago I felt that I should go down and see him, no idea why. We only had a few minutes as his wife wanted to go for a motorcycle ride. We agreed to try again in a couple of weeks.
Home to start house cleaning. My help was showing up at 4:30 and there were a few cleaning projects I had wanted to get done and of course, the pre-cleaning. Took the puppies for a walk. It was the best walk we've had. Skye was really a trooper and Russell was very obedient while off lease. We walked to and around campus. Can't believe I got up early, drove an hour, each way to see Mike, made lunch and played with puppies, even brushing them, cleaning obsessively for 3 hours and then an hour walk with the puppies.
My house is so CLEAN!
Feeling so much better. Passing kidneys stones and experiencing such pain is very draining. Next week, I get my bridge repaired and a crown and the bill would be enough for a Gibson Dove guitar. Yes, the one I drooled over a few weeks ago. Maybe my dentist will buy the guitar, he can now afford it, lol. Unemployment office wants $2,300 back due to their accounting error. I appealed their decision and am waiting for their answer. After that first letter I received four more letter from the ESC. Two awarding me further umemployment and two more denying me employment. I had not applied. Boy are they raising the bar on incompetence.
Nobody came with a camera to shoot me so no pictures this time.
Set List:
Alice-in-chains (nutshell & got me wrong), chris knight (it ain't easy being me), lucinda williams (I can't let go). bob dylan (i shall be released), Alway look on the Bright Side of Life, Grateful Dead (black peter), gillian welsh (annabel), duncan shiek (barley breathing) and other stuff i can't recall right now.
This weeks shows: PGroove in Elon on Wednesday, Grace Potter on Asheville on Friday, PGroove on Saturday in Charlotte.
Playing at the open Jam on Monday at the Comet (dilworth) with Jason and Saturday at the open mic at the Birdsnest in Davidson. Oh and UGA vs. Vandy. Big week.
Congrats Bulldogs on the win on yesterday. Go Dawgs!!!
Great story by Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips:
Wonderful weekend.
Friday, lunch in Charlotte with Shelly.
Breakfast with brother Eric and his new friend. She seems nice enough. We walked over to the Davidson College campus and listened to Billy and his band, Then home to play with the dogs. Around 1pm we head over to the Birdsnest to play at the open mic on the porch on Main Street. I played for an hour and a half, then Billy came down and played a few songs on my Yairi DYC-40. A five year old made a request, for Dylan's "Knocking on Heaven's Door." Watched the Georgia game. Went to dinner with friends and hung afterwards with Billy (a different one) and Leslie. New strings for the Yairi before bed.
Slept well and up early. Drove to Waxhaw to see my old friend Mike. A couple of weeks ago I felt that I should go down and see him, no idea why. We only had a few minutes as his wife wanted to go for a motorcycle ride. We agreed to try again in a couple of weeks.
Home to start house cleaning. My help was showing up at 4:30 and there were a few cleaning projects I had wanted to get done and of course, the pre-cleaning. Took the puppies for a walk. It was the best walk we've had. Skye was really a trooper and Russell was very obedient while off lease. We walked to and around campus. Can't believe I got up early, drove an hour, each way to see Mike, made lunch and played with puppies, even brushing them, cleaning obsessively for 3 hours and then an hour walk with the puppies.
My house is so CLEAN!
Feeling so much better. Passing kidneys stones and experiencing such pain is very draining. Next week, I get my bridge repaired and a crown and the bill would be enough for a Gibson Dove guitar. Yes, the one I drooled over a few weeks ago. Maybe my dentist will buy the guitar, he can now afford it, lol. Unemployment office wants $2,300 back due to their accounting error. I appealed their decision and am waiting for their answer. After that first letter I received four more letter from the ESC. Two awarding me further umemployment and two more denying me employment. I had not applied. Boy are they raising the bar on incompetence.
Nobody came with a camera to shoot me so no pictures this time.
Set List:
Alice-in-chains (nutshell & got me wrong), chris knight (it ain't easy being me), lucinda williams (I can't let go). bob dylan (i shall be released), Alway look on the Bright Side of Life, Grateful Dead (black peter), gillian welsh (annabel), duncan shiek (barley breathing) and other stuff i can't recall right now.
This weeks shows: PGroove in Elon on Wednesday, Grace Potter on Asheville on Friday, PGroove on Saturday in Charlotte.
Playing at the open Jam on Monday at the Comet (dilworth) with Jason and Saturday at the open mic at the Birdsnest in Davidson. Oh and UGA vs. Vandy. Big week.
Congrats Bulldogs on the win on yesterday. Go Dawgs!!!
Great story by Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips:
Monday, October 4, 2010
starting slowly this morning
This past weekend I drove to Athens for the wedding celebration of Adam Perry and Conley Narozniak. My last trip to Athens was in my airplane, flying was way better, lol. But alas I am grounded from that life.
Drive down with the top down and get sunburned on my face. Imagine that in October. Arriving later than I intended, I wander from the Hilton downtown and find a coffee show and plant myself at a table out front and watch the world go by and make phone calls back home. Sitting on Broad Street brings a flood of memories from my 7 years as a graduate student at UGA. Dinner at Amici Pizzeria. Back to the hotel for a little rest before heading to the New Earth Music Hall, a venue which unfortunately is nothing to write home about. Lingo was the headliner and with the opening acts starting later than scheduled, I have plently of time to hang out with friends in town for the wedding. Lingo gets to the stage around 12:15 and from the first song I find a real gem in this band. Alex has been asking me to get to a show for about 4 years, but they never get close. Fortune smiled and they are in Athens on Friday and I have my camera. I stay until I can no longer stay on my feet and head back to the hotel at 1:45am.
No way to block the sunlight from my easterly facing room and I am up around 8am. Off to breakfast at The Grill, a long time favorite.
I head to the campus bookstore on foot. A few new buildings but at least the bookstore is where I left it. I overhear a guy asking for directions to the same and I offer to escort hime down. Will is a GSU student who is transfering to UGA and looking for more of a traditional college experience, football, dorms and the like. I play tour guide until we arrive. More memories flooding in. I buy hats and t-shirts.
I've been walking for 3 hours when I get back to the room to chill, knowing it'll be another late night. Another visit to the coffee shop and again to Amici's, figuring if I need late night food I can hit the Taco Stand. The hotel TV network is carrying the UGA-CSU game. One fumble and we lose, dropping to 4 straight loses. About 11pm I head out, getting lost once again and finally arrive at The Melting Point. An excellent set up of a barroom then a three story venue for watching the bands. The couple had chosen a salsa band who, while very good, would not have been my first choice, or second, or third, well you get the idea. I get to spend some time with the bride and groom and dozens of folks I do not get to see often. I had a great time and left just early enough to get to say goodbye to everyone before the crowd thins when I might miss some. Somehow it is past 1:30am. Long walk back in the cold, well cold to me, about 50 degrees.
Sunday, alarm set as to not oversleep my breakfast with and old friend at Mama's Boy restaurant, which was very good by the way. We stay there talking until noon when I head out for that long drive back Home. Mexican dinner with my brother and get the puppies back home.
Today. Photos from the Lingo show to process, emails to read and send. Rest.
Drive down with the top down and get sunburned on my face. Imagine that in October. Arriving later than I intended, I wander from the Hilton downtown and find a coffee show and plant myself at a table out front and watch the world go by and make phone calls back home. Sitting on Broad Street brings a flood of memories from my 7 years as a graduate student at UGA. Dinner at Amici Pizzeria. Back to the hotel for a little rest before heading to the New Earth Music Hall, a venue which unfortunately is nothing to write home about. Lingo was the headliner and with the opening acts starting later than scheduled, I have plently of time to hang out with friends in town for the wedding. Lingo gets to the stage around 12:15 and from the first song I find a real gem in this band. Alex has been asking me to get to a show for about 4 years, but they never get close. Fortune smiled and they are in Athens on Friday and I have my camera. I stay until I can no longer stay on my feet and head back to the hotel at 1:45am.
No way to block the sunlight from my easterly facing room and I am up around 8am. Off to breakfast at The Grill, a long time favorite.
I head to the campus bookstore on foot. A few new buildings but at least the bookstore is where I left it. I overhear a guy asking for directions to the same and I offer to escort hime down. Will is a GSU student who is transfering to UGA and looking for more of a traditional college experience, football, dorms and the like. I play tour guide until we arrive. More memories flooding in. I buy hats and t-shirts.
I've been walking for 3 hours when I get back to the room to chill, knowing it'll be another late night. Another visit to the coffee shop and again to Amici's, figuring if I need late night food I can hit the Taco Stand. The hotel TV network is carrying the UGA-CSU game. One fumble and we lose, dropping to 4 straight loses. About 11pm I head out, getting lost once again and finally arrive at The Melting Point. An excellent set up of a barroom then a three story venue for watching the bands. The couple had chosen a salsa band who, while very good, would not have been my first choice, or second, or third, well you get the idea. I get to spend some time with the bride and groom and dozens of folks I do not get to see often. I had a great time and left just early enough to get to say goodbye to everyone before the crowd thins when I might miss some. Somehow it is past 1:30am. Long walk back in the cold, well cold to me, about 50 degrees.
Sunday, alarm set as to not oversleep my breakfast with and old friend at Mama's Boy restaurant, which was very good by the way. We stay there talking until noon when I head out for that long drive back Home. Mexican dinner with my brother and get the puppies back home.
Today. Photos from the Lingo show to process, emails to read and send. Rest.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
new music business in Davidson
The Birdsnest opened this week on Main Street in Davidson. The main business is teaching guitar, bass, and voice lessons. The owner, Billy Jones, a local musician, is creating a space for musicians to bring their instuments and hang out and play. I visited (with my Martin D-15) on Monday for a couple of hours. Then again today (Yamaha LL26) and volenteered to help out in anyway I can. Billy does a lot of charity work and a portion of of every show goes to different local charities. We jammed both days and Billy is showing me how to add leads and alternate chords to my playing. We are going to trade work for lessons. I am so excited about finding folks to play with, and the opportunity to become a better musician.
Time for a puppy picture. Skye
Time for a puppy picture. Skye
Sunday, September 26, 2010
a rainy Sunday
I'm enjoying the first rain in 4 weeks and much cooler temperatures. This afternoon, a little guitar playing and then off to have dinner with my brother. A new music business has started in Davidson, the Birdsnest. The will be giving guitar, bass and voice lessons. I spoke with the owner and shall head there tomorrow with a guitar to discuss how they might help me improve my playing and singing. They even intend to have a place where people can just come and play. I'm excited about a place to just hang out and play. So the question is, which guitar to take first? Probably the Yairi DYC-40 as it has new strings.
Giving up on Georgia football for the season, 4 losses out of 4 games.
Giving up on Georgia football for the season, 4 losses out of 4 games.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
kidney stone ...again
So Saturday evening back to the ER as the pain is too great to manage at home. The staff was better than my trip there eight days previous. It took on both trips, 1 1/2 hours to give me something for the pain. This latest stone is making itself at home and not moving at this time. So, I've been taking it easy and playing guitar.
Yesterday, I get an email and then a phone call from my bank. Fraud detection alerted when someone used my debit card to pay their slip rent at a marina at Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emerates. While I'm on hold (repeatedly) I review my checking account. Seems that $2,302.54 was sent to Nordstom to pay a bill. Naturally I don't shop there. Further investigation shows that my ex-wife, who does shop there, paid her bill out of my account. The bank admits while they took her off my account years ago, that she can still use my account to pay her bills. They gave me her phone numbers and after a couple of hours she returns my call and agrees to return the money. It was so weird hearing her voice after all this time. I did not tailspin into an emotional abyss. Surprised I did not.
Couple of shows this weekend, Keith and Marcus of The Mantras on Friday and Saturday and Amelia's Mechanics on Saturday. UGA football Saturday. Looking forward to my first trip in Athens, Ga. in 3 years next weekend. Also, to passing this damn stone.
Yesterday, I get an email and then a phone call from my bank. Fraud detection alerted when someone used my debit card to pay their slip rent at a marina at Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emerates. While I'm on hold (repeatedly) I review my checking account. Seems that $2,302.54 was sent to Nordstom to pay a bill. Naturally I don't shop there. Further investigation shows that my ex-wife, who does shop there, paid her bill out of my account. The bank admits while they took her off my account years ago, that she can still use my account to pay her bills. They gave me her phone numbers and after a couple of hours she returns my call and agrees to return the money. It was so weird hearing her voice after all this time. I did not tailspin into an emotional abyss. Surprised I did not.
Couple of shows this weekend, Keith and Marcus of The Mantras on Friday and Saturday and Amelia's Mechanics on Saturday. UGA football Saturday. Looking forward to my first trip in Athens, Ga. in 3 years next weekend. Also, to passing this damn stone.
Friday, September 17, 2010
I am still so elated over the news that my cancer remains in remission. Every doctor I see says that it is miraculous that I am still free of the disease. I continue to find difficult to comprehend that I have, so far, avoided a certain and untimely death. I can look at statistics and hear the voices of the doctors who deal with this everyday and still it just fails to sink in. I can best explain it as one who staggers away from a car accident, with injuries but little actual pain, in some kind of denial or shock. Then turns back to see the car totally destroyed.
What I do know is that every single moment, even those rife with kidney stone pain, must be savored. I once thought, many years ago, that there was no purpose or meaning to life (my existential period) and the only reasonable response was to feel as good as possible at all times. Then, I thought meaning could be derived from selfless service to others (my counseling period). Next I tried just earning a living and taking life as it comes (my computer period). I find myself now coming around to seeing life as something to enjoy, all the moments; happy, sad, pain, pleasure, it's all the same thing. Just the simple experience of life, each moment, every sensation, every thought. The simple pleasures of petting a dog, the feel of guitar strings under my fingers, the moment of opening the shutter of a camera, listening to music, is the point of life.
Be Here Now. Experience this moment. Not that there may be no other, there is no other.
Don't worry, be happy.
What I do know is that every single moment, even those rife with kidney stone pain, must be savored. I once thought, many years ago, that there was no purpose or meaning to life (my existential period) and the only reasonable response was to feel as good as possible at all times. Then, I thought meaning could be derived from selfless service to others (my counseling period). Next I tried just earning a living and taking life as it comes (my computer period). I find myself now coming around to seeing life as something to enjoy, all the moments; happy, sad, pain, pleasure, it's all the same thing. Just the simple experience of life, each moment, every sensation, every thought. The simple pleasures of petting a dog, the feel of guitar strings under my fingers, the moment of opening the shutter of a camera, listening to music, is the point of life.
Be Here Now. Experience this moment. Not that there may be no other, there is no other.
Don't worry, be happy.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
And the Good News Is ....
No cancer! 2 years in remission. My Oncologist told me today, once again, that I was a miracle and a statistic outlier. Beating the odds so far. Couldn't be happier or more relieved.
Seems I am passing yet another stone. Hope this goes easier than last week's. Changed diet and hope it works. When this one passes, it'll be number 15 since the year 2000.
Been busy downloading lots of music from this site:
signed up for one month of high speed downloads and making the most of it. DL'd over 50 cd's or shows, from '60's and '70's jazz fusion to Umphrey's McGee. Ordered a second 2GB network drive to back all this up.
Seems I am passing yet another stone. Hope this goes easier than last week's. Changed diet and hope it works. When this one passes, it'll be number 15 since the year 2000.
Been busy downloading lots of music from this site:
signed up for one month of high speed downloads and making the most of it. DL'd over 50 cd's or shows, from '60's and '70's jazz fusion to Umphrey's McGee. Ordered a second 2GB network drive to back all this up.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
low energy state
Since the stone passed (Friday) and then the CT and MRI (where they pump me full of chemicals for the scans) on Monday, I've been in a low energy state. Just hanging around the house and downloading music.
Two new show reviews published:
I think they are pretty good.
I'll get the results of the cancer screening tests tomorrow afternoon.
Thanks for reading.
Two new show reviews published:
I think they are pretty good.
I'll get the results of the cancer screening tests tomorrow afternoon.
Thanks for reading.
Friday, September 10, 2010
oh Happy Day!
I couldn't control the pain and went to the emergency room this morning, soon after the last post. Took forever from Admittance to Morphine and the pain was significant. Finally the med kicks in, 2 hours and multiple needle sticks (wasn't her day, I guess) later. Got home and passed the stone within a few minutes. Only 5mm, which the Dr. says is near the limit of those that will pass on their own. I've passed larger one's than that. Easy Peasy. Happy! Resting now.
just catching up
I think (and I'm rarely wrong) that I have another kidney stone. Seems that it is starting lower than the last one but unfortunately location doesn't predict when it will come out. I certainly hope it is soon. Last one (July) took about 8 days and I wasn't sure whether or not it was at first, the discomfort was different than the usual early signs. A physician determined it was just from my description, I wasn't sure, and he was correct. It popped out 6 days later. That was number 13 since my first one, in 2001.
I trapped a second mouse this week and set a third trap last night. This morning the peanut butter was gone but the trap was still set. I'll set two tonight.
Try as I might to control this feeling, I'm lonely. I have been in one romantic relationship or another for about 32 of the past 35 years. The longest period without one was 2006-8 after Harriet left. Other than that I have not "flown solo" for more than a few months at a time. I know I need to learn to just be alone without feeling lonely. I think it is exacerbated by a lack of a close friendship. Exporing my feelings now, it is not so much the romantic type of relationship I am missing, just the closeness with another person, a best friend.
MySpace and Facebook afford us all, friendships can transend geography, but we lose the closeness.
Ouch, discomfort is being replaced by pain.
I trapped a second mouse this week and set a third trap last night. This morning the peanut butter was gone but the trap was still set. I'll set two tonight.
Try as I might to control this feeling, I'm lonely. I have been in one romantic relationship or another for about 32 of the past 35 years. The longest period without one was 2006-8 after Harriet left. Other than that I have not "flown solo" for more than a few months at a time. I know I need to learn to just be alone without feeling lonely. I think it is exacerbated by a lack of a close friendship. Exporing my feelings now, it is not so much the romantic type of relationship I am missing, just the closeness with another person, a best friend.
MySpace and Facebook afford us all, friendships can transend geography, but we lose the closeness.
Ouch, discomfort is being replaced by pain.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
I had to take a life this morning
Around 4:00am I was awakened to a snap in the kitchen and I knew what had happened. I'd politely asked my unwelcome guest to leave earlier in the evening, but got no response. A little peanut butter to bait the trap and the cutest little mouse was caught. I think he would have made a nice pet. He was a soft gray with big eyes. I felt terrible. It was a merciful death, quick and painless. I'll have to bait another trap tonight. I hope the little mouse finds a happy afterlife full of bagels.
Broke out the Yairi DYC-40 yesterday and after playing it for a few minutes I remembered the sound that captured my ears and my heart that morning at Fine's Musical Instruments in Statesville. Brighter than my other guitars, yet not too much and still a complex tone. This Yairi is Spruce top and Mahogony back and sides with an Alvarez Mark II system 600 preamp.
Broke out the Yairi DYC-40 yesterday and after playing it for a few minutes I remembered the sound that captured my ears and my heart that morning at Fine's Musical Instruments in Statesville. Brighter than my other guitars, yet not too much and still a complex tone. This Yairi is Spruce top and Mahogony back and sides with an Alvarez Mark II system 600 preamp.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Gibson Dove Performer
Just got home from Sam Ash. I went to get more guitar stands (on sale). As I walked in right at opening I had the guitar room and the salesman all to myself. Best service I've had there. I went in to compare the Songwriter and the Hummingbird. They only had the Songwriter Studio so it wasn't the comparison I'd hoped for. Being me, I wasn't planning on buying new anyway. Played both, then a J-200 (mine is better probably due to 17 years of opening up) a J-45, and then the salesman handed me the new (made for Sam Ash) Dove Performer (see photo). Scallaped bracing as Gibson used in the 1930's models and AAA Sitka Spruce top and to both of our surprise, Maple back and sides (which is the typical Dove tonewoods). I was more than impressed with the playability, the neck and the tone. A little higher than the J-200 and the J-45. I kept out the J-45 for comparisons sake. The salesman said they would match a competitor's 15% off coupon bring the price to $1,869 with hardshell case and lifetime warrenty. I barely got out of the store without it. I figure I have 29 hours left to get that deal. I need a program to treat my GAS.
Watching ECU play Tulsa and nearing the end of the first half, ECU up 17 - 13. Lovely weather today, sunny and lower 80's with low humidity. Dogs free play time in a few minutes, at halftime.
Programmed the Zoom for the Martin D-15. Amazing sound, using a D-28 model it sounded just like a D-28. Scary good. The Gibson is in the process of getting a patch (that is what Zoom calls a saved collection of settings.) As there are 40 editable patches, I may program more than one patch per guitar.
Lazy Labor Day Sunday.
Watching ECU play Tulsa and nearing the end of the first half, ECU up 17 - 13. Lovely weather today, sunny and lower 80's with low humidity. Dogs free play time in a few minutes, at halftime.
Programmed the Zoom for the Martin D-15. Amazing sound, using a D-28 model it sounded just like a D-28. Scary good. The Gibson is in the process of getting a patch (that is what Zoom calls a saved collection of settings.) As there are 40 editable patches, I may program more than one patch per guitar.
Lazy Labor Day Sunday.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Necessity is the mother of invention
Having the quacking problem and needing to increase the gain of the guitars that do not have preamps built-in, I decided it was time to learn to use the Zoom A2 acoustic guitar pedal i purchased several weeks ago. My first hint on how to get past the awful sound was a posting advising the user to first set the unit into high gain, only available on starting the unit. Once I tried that the Zoom offered a reasonable tone, not the brash sound I'd encounter every time I had tried it before. After a quick reading of the manual, I was able to figure out how to configure the device. There are 47 separate effects that can be dialed in. I'll be spending the next few days testing out various sounds and creating patches that suit my various guitars. Once I become a Zoom Master, I'll write up a comprehensive set of instructions. But for now ...lunch.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Piezo Quacks
Gave the Gibson J-200's new Fishman Infinity piezo pickup a tryout yesterday and found it quacks like a big duck. Looked up solutions and finally called Sweetwater Music to get advice on preamps that might help. Quacking is the informal term for overdriving the pickups with hard strumming. The J-200 just begs to be played hard. So, advised to consider the Fishman Aura DI ($329) and the ToneBone PZ pu ($299) I reviewed the specs and decided to try lowering the volume on the pick up itself and raising the gain and volume on the amp. It worked. So now I don't need a preamp, but a bigger amp, lol. Might add a small booster for the signal, but nothing that would affect the tone.
It is always something.
Played the Gibby standing today, so I could make adjustments on the amp while playing, and found that I had no strain or pain in my left arm and wrist. Interesting.
Submitted my Music on the Mountaintop review and pictures this evening. Tomorrow the TLG review to complete and the Martin D-15's K & K Western pickup to test.
Watching the hurricane progression. Worried that Vicki won't be able to fly home on Friday. In fact, I think it's likely she will be stuck in Charlotte. Might be driving to the airport Friday afternoon.
It is always something.
Played the Gibby standing today, so I could make adjustments on the amp while playing, and found that I had no strain or pain in my left arm and wrist. Interesting.
Submitted my Music on the Mountaintop review and pictures this evening. Tomorrow the TLG review to complete and the Martin D-15's K & K Western pickup to test.
Watching the hurricane progression. Worried that Vicki won't be able to fly home on Friday. In fact, I think it's likely she will be stuck in Charlotte. Might be driving to the airport Friday afternoon.
Monday, August 30, 2010
writing and post production
Still testing the pickups in the Martin (K & K mini) and the Gibson (Fishman Infinity). I shall be considering a preamp if the signal strength is too weak. I am wondering if there is one that will work on both systems. All the other guitars have built in preamps.
Working on the words for the reviews. Almost finished post production of the first day of Music on the Mountaintop. Took 365, choose 100 to work on and maybe 60 will make the final cut for my site. Then 20-25 for Honest Tune. I'll start the second day after I get some of the writing done.
I love doing what I love doing.
Great essay I found this morning on exactly that:
Working on the words for the reviews. Almost finished post production of the first day of Music on the Mountaintop. Took 365, choose 100 to work on and maybe 60 will make the final cut for my site. Then 20-25 for Honest Tune. I'll start the second day after I get some of the writing done.
I love doing what I love doing.
Great essay I found this morning on exactly that:
Thursday, August 26, 2010
busy weekend with the camera
Off to Boone to cover the Music on the Mountaintop festival tomorrow and Saturday. I covered it for Honest Tune in 2008, as well. It should be a low key most acoustic bluegrass and folk. Keller Williams and Your Mama's Big Fat Booty Band tomorrow night. Sam Bush and Railroad Earth Saturday night. On the way I'm picking up my newly electrofied Martin D-15 and the Gibson J-200. Rather than leave them in the car, I'll have to stash them backstage. Wonder if I can use the musician's entrance?
Sunday, the Carolina Guitar show and then the Neighborhood Theater for Tea Leaf Green in the evening. Monday and into the week, I'll be writing and editing photos. Fun, fun.
Maybe it'll be cooler up there.
Sunday, the Carolina Guitar show and then the Neighborhood Theater for Tea Leaf Green in the evening. Monday and into the week, I'll be writing and editing photos. Fun, fun.
Maybe it'll be cooler up there.
Monday, August 23, 2010
PGroove and Charleston
Busy weekend. Submitted my album review to Honest Tune for The Mantras latest CD, Dharland:
Drove to Charleston on Thursday to see my friend Marsha, sun on the beach, and to shoot the PGroove show at the Music Farm. I left later than I'd hoped due to torrential rains in the morning. Unfortunately my doctor diagnosed a kidney stone on Wednesday but I decided to go anyway. It was worth the discomfort. We took a very long walk on the beach Thursday evening.
On Friday morning, a couple of hours at the beach where right after I got out of the ocean, I spotted a small shark feeding in the shallow water. Then came a storm that dropped a ton of water on everything. We headed to the show around 8:30. Happily we were on the guest list and were able to get chairs and a table on the balcony overlooking the stage. I found the dressing room and hung out with the band for a while. Brock and I discussed Gibson acoutic guitars (he is playing a J-45 these days) and pick up options. He is in favor of adding an L. Baggs. I need to call him to find out exacly which model. I'll need to electrify the J-200 so I can play a song for Adam and Conley at their wedding. I'm thinking Bob Dylan's, "Forever Young." So I need to get practicing that as well.
The show was excellent and I had even dreamed the night before that they would play Peter Gabriel's and they did! Made all the more amazing by the fact they hadn't played it in nearly 5 years. Adam even asked if there was something I wanted them to play, but they were already going to do so. We also caught on of my favorites, "53 More Things to do in Zero Gravity."
I spent Sunday and this morning finishing the post production on the PG photos and wrote up my review. Submitted both, uploaded the photos to my Smugmug site and to the PG website.
On the way home I stopped at "Ye Olde Music Shop" and met the owner, Mike. He let me play a new Gibson J-200 and a J-45. I was thrilled see my J-200 was as good as his. We discussed the Gibson Songwriter and Hummingbird and prices. He offers the best deals I have encountered, hundreds of dollars less than the lowest Internet prices. He did not have any in stock but said he gets them all the time and his conact in Bozeman picks them out special for him. I know from where my next guitar is coming!
I am covering the music festival in Boone, Music in the Mountaintop this Friday and Saturday.
On Sunday I'll be covering Tea Leaf Green at the Neighborhood Theater. So happy to be shooting regularly again.
Drove to Charleston on Thursday to see my friend Marsha, sun on the beach, and to shoot the PGroove show at the Music Farm. I left later than I'd hoped due to torrential rains in the morning. Unfortunately my doctor diagnosed a kidney stone on Wednesday but I decided to go anyway. It was worth the discomfort. We took a very long walk on the beach Thursday evening.
On Friday morning, a couple of hours at the beach where right after I got out of the ocean, I spotted a small shark feeding in the shallow water. Then came a storm that dropped a ton of water on everything. We headed to the show around 8:30. Happily we were on the guest list and were able to get chairs and a table on the balcony overlooking the stage. I found the dressing room and hung out with the band for a while. Brock and I discussed Gibson acoutic guitars (he is playing a J-45 these days) and pick up options. He is in favor of adding an L. Baggs. I need to call him to find out exacly which model. I'll need to electrify the J-200 so I can play a song for Adam and Conley at their wedding. I'm thinking Bob Dylan's, "Forever Young." So I need to get practicing that as well.
The show was excellent and I had even dreamed the night before that they would play Peter Gabriel's and they did! Made all the more amazing by the fact they hadn't played it in nearly 5 years. Adam even asked if there was something I wanted them to play, but they were already going to do so. We also caught on of my favorites, "53 More Things to do in Zero Gravity."
I spent Sunday and this morning finishing the post production on the PG photos and wrote up my review. Submitted both, uploaded the photos to my Smugmug site and to the PG website.
On the way home I stopped at "Ye Olde Music Shop" and met the owner, Mike. He let me play a new Gibson J-200 and a J-45. I was thrilled see my J-200 was as good as his. We discussed the Gibson Songwriter and Hummingbird and prices. He offers the best deals I have encountered, hundreds of dollars less than the lowest Internet prices. He did not have any in stock but said he gets them all the time and his conact in Bozeman picks them out special for him. I know from where my next guitar is coming!
I am covering the music festival in Boone, Music in the Mountaintop this Friday and Saturday.
On Sunday I'll be covering Tea Leaf Green at the Neighborhood Theater. So happy to be shooting regularly again.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Playing the Blues
I'll have a new post ready tomorrow but to hold you over here is a little item I stole off the Acoustic Guitar Forum.
The Blues. Here are a few observations and some very fundamental rules regarding this music genre if you are new to the Blues, or if you like it but never really understood the whys and wherefores:
l. Most Blues begin with, "Woke up this morning..."
2. "I got a good woman" is a bad way to begin the Blues, unless you stick something nasty in the next line like, "I got a good woman, with the meanest face in town."
3. The Blues is simple. After you get the first line right, repeat it. Then find something that rhymes--sort of: "Got a good woman with the meanest face in town. Yes, I got a good woman with the meanest face in town. Got teeth like Margaret Thatcher and she weigh 500 pound."
4. The Blues is not about choice. "You stuck in a ditch, you stuck in a ditch...ain't no way out."
5. Blues cars: Chevys, Fords, Cadillacs and broken-down trucks. Blues don't travel in Volvos, BMWs, or sport utility vehicles. Most Blues transportation is a Greyhound bus or a southbound train. Jet aircraft and state sponsored motor pools ain't even in the running. Walkin' plays a major part in the Blues lifestyle. So does fixin' ta die.
6. Teenagers can't sing the Blues; they ain't fixin' ta die yet.
7. Blues can take place in New York City but not Hawaii or anywhere in Canada. Hard times in Minneapolis or Seattle is probably just clinical depression. Clarksdale, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Memphis or N'awlins are still the best places to have the Blues. You cannot have the Blues in any place that don't get rain.
8. A man with male pattern baldness is not the Blues. A woman with male pattern baldness is. Breaking your leg 'cause you were skiing is not the Blues. Breaking your leg 'cause a alligator be chompin' on it is.
9. You can't have no Blues in an office or shopping mall. The lighting is wrong. Go outside to the parking lot or sit by the dumpster.
10. Good places for the Blues:
a. Highway
b. Jailhouse
c. Empty bed
d. Bottom of a whiskey glass
11. Bad places for the Blues:
a. Nordstrom's
b. Gallery openings
c. Ivy League Institutions
d. Golf courses
12. No one will believe it's the Blues if you wear a suit, unless you happen to be an old person, and you slept in it.
13. Do you have the right to sing the Blues? Yes, if:
a. You're older than dirt
b. You're blind
c. You shot a man in Memphis
d. You can't be satisfied
No, if:
a. You have all your teeth
b. You were once blind, but now can see
c. The man in Memphis lived
d. You have a 401K or trust fund
14. Blues is not a matter of color, it's a matter of bad luck. Tiger Woods cannot sing the Blues. Sonny Liston could have. Ugly white people also got a leg up on the Blues.
15. If you ask for water and your darlin' gives you gasoline, it's the Blues. Other acceptable Blues beverages are:
a. cheap wine
b. whiskey or bourbon
c. black coffee
d. muddy water
The following are NOT Blues beverages:
a. Perrier
b. Chardonnay
c. Snapple
d. Slim Fast
16. If death occurs in a cheap motel or a shotgun shack, it's a Blues death. Stabbed in the back by a jealous lover is another Blues way to die. So are the electric chair, substance abuse and dying lonely on a broken-down cot. You can't have a blues death if you die during a tennis match or during liposuction.
17. Some Blues names for women:
a. Sadie
b. Big Mama
c. Bessie
d. Hot Dumpling
18. Some Blues names for men:
a. Joe
b. Willie
c. Little Willie
d. Big Willie
19. Persons with names like Michelle, Amber, Jennifer, Buffy and Heather can't sing the Blues no matter how many men they shoot in Memphis.
20. Blues Name Starter Kit
a. Name of physical infirmity (Blind, Cripple, Lame, etc)
b. First name plus name of fruit (Lemon Lime, Peach, etc)
c. Last name of a president, for example: Blind Lemon Jefferson, Pegleg Lime Johnson or Cripple Peach Filmore, etc.
21. I don't care how tragic your life is: if you own a computer, you cannot sing the Blues, period. Sorry.
I think this dog has the Blues.
The Blues. Here are a few observations and some very fundamental rules regarding this music genre if you are new to the Blues, or if you like it but never really understood the whys and wherefores:
l. Most Blues begin with, "Woke up this morning..."
2. "I got a good woman" is a bad way to begin the Blues, unless you stick something nasty in the next line like, "I got a good woman, with the meanest face in town."
3. The Blues is simple. After you get the first line right, repeat it. Then find something that rhymes--sort of: "Got a good woman with the meanest face in town. Yes, I got a good woman with the meanest face in town. Got teeth like Margaret Thatcher and she weigh 500 pound."
4. The Blues is not about choice. "You stuck in a ditch, you stuck in a ditch...ain't no way out."
5. Blues cars: Chevys, Fords, Cadillacs and broken-down trucks. Blues don't travel in Volvos, BMWs, or sport utility vehicles. Most Blues transportation is a Greyhound bus or a southbound train. Jet aircraft and state sponsored motor pools ain't even in the running. Walkin' plays a major part in the Blues lifestyle. So does fixin' ta die.
6. Teenagers can't sing the Blues; they ain't fixin' ta die yet.
7. Blues can take place in New York City but not Hawaii or anywhere in Canada. Hard times in Minneapolis or Seattle is probably just clinical depression. Clarksdale, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Memphis or N'awlins are still the best places to have the Blues. You cannot have the Blues in any place that don't get rain.
8. A man with male pattern baldness is not the Blues. A woman with male pattern baldness is. Breaking your leg 'cause you were skiing is not the Blues. Breaking your leg 'cause a alligator be chompin' on it is.
9. You can't have no Blues in an office or shopping mall. The lighting is wrong. Go outside to the parking lot or sit by the dumpster.
10. Good places for the Blues:
a. Highway
b. Jailhouse
c. Empty bed
d. Bottom of a whiskey glass
11. Bad places for the Blues:
a. Nordstrom's
b. Gallery openings
c. Ivy League Institutions
d. Golf courses
12. No one will believe it's the Blues if you wear a suit, unless you happen to be an old person, and you slept in it.
13. Do you have the right to sing the Blues? Yes, if:
a. You're older than dirt
b. You're blind
c. You shot a man in Memphis
d. You can't be satisfied
No, if:
a. You have all your teeth
b. You were once blind, but now can see
c. The man in Memphis lived
d. You have a 401K or trust fund
14. Blues is not a matter of color, it's a matter of bad luck. Tiger Woods cannot sing the Blues. Sonny Liston could have. Ugly white people also got a leg up on the Blues.
15. If you ask for water and your darlin' gives you gasoline, it's the Blues. Other acceptable Blues beverages are:
a. cheap wine
b. whiskey or bourbon
c. black coffee
d. muddy water
The following are NOT Blues beverages:
a. Perrier
b. Chardonnay
c. Snapple
d. Slim Fast
16. If death occurs in a cheap motel or a shotgun shack, it's a Blues death. Stabbed in the back by a jealous lover is another Blues way to die. So are the electric chair, substance abuse and dying lonely on a broken-down cot. You can't have a blues death if you die during a tennis match or during liposuction.
17. Some Blues names for women:
a. Sadie
b. Big Mama
c. Bessie
d. Hot Dumpling
18. Some Blues names for men:
a. Joe
b. Willie
c. Little Willie
d. Big Willie
19. Persons with names like Michelle, Amber, Jennifer, Buffy and Heather can't sing the Blues no matter how many men they shoot in Memphis.
20. Blues Name Starter Kit
a. Name of physical infirmity (Blind, Cripple, Lame, etc)
b. First name plus name of fruit (Lemon Lime, Peach, etc)
c. Last name of a president, for example: Blind Lemon Jefferson, Pegleg Lime Johnson or Cripple Peach Filmore, etc.
21. I don't care how tragic your life is: if you own a computer, you cannot sing the Blues, period. Sorry.
I think this dog has the Blues.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
PGroove - Charleston -Yamaha
Starting out 3 hours late for Charleston as the rain is intense this morning. We've had more than three inches since last night. No real reason to fight floods and Charlotte traffic at the same time. Should be ending soon. Off to visit my friend Marsha and shoot the PGroove show on Friday night at the Music Farm. Haven't been there in years. First visit was to see Hottie and the Blowfish (long before they became famous). Ended up seeing them over 20 times. I met them through a girlfriend back in the early nineties.
Sorry for the paucity of posts. I've been sick for a week. Still not sure what but my physician thinks another kidney stone. I think it might be from eggs contaminated by Salmonella. Seems I got sick every day I had eggs, x3, this past week. Weighed 150 pounds when I visited the doctor yesterday.
Haven't seen PGroove in a while and shall be shooting and writing up the show for Honest Tune. Very excited to see my friends. This week I submitted an album review to the site. The Mantras, Dharmland.
So I had my Yairi DY-67 for 23 years before I bought the Yamaha LLX26C. Then another Dy-67 and a Yairi WK1- 12 String, then a Yairi DYC-40, Martin-15 and finally a Gibson J-200. This morning I played the Martin and then the Yamaha. At that point I discovered that my Yamaha is the best of the lot. Took a circuitous route to come all the way back. I guess we learn the way we learn.
Damn, still raining. Trip report when I get back.
Sorry for the paucity of posts. I've been sick for a week. Still not sure what but my physician thinks another kidney stone. I think it might be from eggs contaminated by Salmonella. Seems I got sick every day I had eggs, x3, this past week. Weighed 150 pounds when I visited the doctor yesterday.
Haven't seen PGroove in a while and shall be shooting and writing up the show for Honest Tune. Very excited to see my friends. This week I submitted an album review to the site. The Mantras, Dharmland.
So I had my Yairi DY-67 for 23 years before I bought the Yamaha LLX26C. Then another Dy-67 and a Yairi WK1- 12 String, then a Yairi DYC-40, Martin-15 and finally a Gibson J-200. This morning I played the Martin and then the Yamaha. At that point I discovered that my Yamaha is the best of the lot. Took a circuitous route to come all the way back. I guess we learn the way we learn.
Damn, still raining. Trip report when I get back.
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