Wednesday, November 10, 2010

brain tumors and chronic fatigue

Do I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and/or Fibromyalgia?

There are some associations found by researchers between CFS and brain cancer.

I just spent the last hour researching Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Seems only fair as I am not at the Umphreys McGee show tonight due to extreme exhaustion. I appear to meet 5-6 of the 8 criteria. It would explain my chronic pain as well.

Source Mayo Clinic website:

YES Fatigue

YES Loss of memory or concentration

sometimes Sore throat

No  Painful and mildly enlarged lymph nodes in your neck or armpits

YES Unexplained muscle pain

YES Pain that moves from one joint to another without swelling or redness

YES Headache of a new type, pattern or severity

YES Unrefreshing sleep

YES Extreme exhaustion lasting more than 24 hours after physical or mental exercise


■Abdominal pain

■Allergies or sensitivities to foods, alcohol, odors, chemicals, medications or noise

■Chest pain

■Dizziness, balance problems

■Morning stiffness

■Chills and night sweats

■Psychological problems, such as depression, irritability

■Tingling sensations

■Visual disturbances, such as blurring

■Weight loss or gain

I definitely have problems of memory and learning new tasks. Exhaustion that cannot be explained by lack of sleep or over activity. When I exert myself I usually pay for it the next day. I make plans but often can not complete them, as tonight's missing my favorite band without any other reason. Chronic cold/flu symptoms. I can eat a breakfast of eggs, grits, sausage or bacon, bread, tons of coffee and come home still tired. I can sleep poorly or well and it makes little difference in predicting how I shall feel the rest of the day. I have pain that moves around that I generally attribute to kidney stones but it can go on for weeks. Also the sites of the pain can range from shoulder to neck, ribs, stomach, legs, knees, almost anywhere. I can spend nearly all day in one spot, my chair in front of my TV.

I have been walking, over two miles yesterday, one walk with the dogs and a second without. I spend time with others nearly everyday, spend time talking to friends and family on the phone and social networking websites. Playing guitar and singing help my mood. I study music and guitar construction. I read novels and non-fiction and the New Yorker, Wired, Music, Acoustic Guitar. I read the news on many websites as well as watching MSNBC, CNN, NBC and local news.

For a long time I thought these symptoms were a result of various medications I took for a seizure disorder. But now, I am finding my fatigue problem to be getting no better. I have good days and even several in a row, but most days are not good. I am just not the man I was 3 years ago.

I'll be seeing my neurologist in a couple of weeks and shall start there. I'll start back on St. John Wort.

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