Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday morning

Hello my friends and you who just like to read blogs. I'm like that, I like to read blogs, too.

Monday morning, which means almost nothing to me, is here. Feeling a little better again today. Spent the last two weeks slowly dropping the amount of pain medication. Today I found I am not ready to go off completely, still hurts too much. I just don't like the fog that I experience. That which cannot be changed, must be endured.  My surgeon said last week that I should be feeling better by Thanksgiving. Which you might note is still 5 weeks away. Perhaps I'm just impatient. Like I know how long recovery from major thoracic surgery should take, lol.

Still, I made muffins today. The first time since surgery. I'll take that as a positive sign. Also managed to go out to eat twice yesterday.

I was reading my last post and realized that I am beginning to resolve my dilemma about usefulness. Sometimes the resolution comes easily once the question is properly posed. Onward to make the best of what I have. Without guilt.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of the disabled ;) Seriously though it is a major adjustment. The hardest part for me is being comfortable with the times of stillness and not being "productive". Reading Siddartha by Hermann Hesse was a really great help to me. Glad things are improving for you in terms of pain.


    P.S. the pup is ADORABLE!!!
