Wednesday, February 9, 2011

deer in my yard this morning

I woke early this morning due to a certain puppy. As I was getting on my coat I saw five deer wandering through my front yard. Taking their time and nibbling on the grass was they strolled.

The Band of Joy show was amazing. I had just gotten to the show and found my seat when one of the photographers, Vikas Nambia, asked I wanted to write up the show for Relix. I had taken my handheld recorder but the batteries died too quickly. After the show I put in some research time and the following morning, wrote the review. Tuned it up later in the day and think it is pretty good, but am not allowed to publish it anywhere, even here, until they use it. It'll be ironic if I get an article in Relix for my journalism rather than for my photopgraphy. I do have a contact at Relix that I have never used. He even offered to send me to any show I wanted to shoot. Not sure why I never took him up on this.

The UNC  -Duke game is tonight at 9pm. Pins and needles around here. Big trip to the grocery store planned for this morning. Some guitar playing to follow and a bit of walking the dogs.

Project/Object tomorrow night.

Go Heels!

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