Thursday, September 29, 2011

thought this was interesting

Tx plan for stage 2 lung cancer

Hi Dear Readers,

I just got home from my Oncologist's office (Dr. K.). He is recommending a post-surgical treatment plan of both chemotherapy and radiation. Ouch. Four courses of chemo over a 3 month period, each three weeks apart. Dr. says I will feel fatigued. That'll be novel, lol. A month rest and then radiation 5 times a week for 5-6 weeks.

Had visitors over the weekend. My mother (who was a perfect angel) and two friends of her's from Asheville came on Saturday. On Sunday Joel Roberts came to visit. Joel and I went to high school together. It was nice to be social.

Looks like 6 months of treatment. Damn, damn, damn. This is really getting old! So new plan is 6 months of treatment and 6 months of getting back into shape: eating, meditating, excercise, playing guitar and find the new life that is out there waiting for me. The Undiscovered Country.

Oh yea, going to lose the hair again.

I am happy to see so many people dropping by to check on my health.  I would love to write each of you but even I don't have that much time! My email address is posted here and would love a note.

Off to rest. See ya.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

sorry I've been away

Recoverying from the surgery is taking longer and has been more difficult than I expected. I'll be back with more topics and interesting thoughts soon. Thanks for your patience.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

hi friends

Made it to the appointment with the surgeon today. First I had to get another post-op X-ray and then take it to the appointment. Dr. Howe said the image looked good as well as the scars. He said they found a few cancer cells on one lymph node (but none on any others) and therefore I was diagnosed with stage 2 lung cancer. Dr. K. and I will be making the decision about chemo or radiation, or both. I'll see Dr. K in two weeks and have that discussion.

Dr. Howe also told me to take it easy for about 2 months. With this pain being what it is, I'm going to take his advice. I have been pushing it too much as it is.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

nothing much

It is Sunday morning, 70 degrees and calm. Puppies let me sleep until 8am. Dawn stayed with Eric last night. Sort of a test run to see how I'll do alone and by myself all night. This morning I couldn't manage to walk the puppies so we just wandered about the yard. Dawn will be heading home this afternoon. I should be able care for myself for now, just moving slowly and carefully. I'm feeling a little better today than yesterday. I know the best thing I can be doing is resting.

So I'll go rest.

Friday, September 9, 2011

one week post surgery

Some functioning coming online. Still hurts nearly as badly as before. I have to watch how I move and to stay relaxed. Next I think, is more sleep. Listening to Phish and will get back to watching the 1975 movie version of Camus' The Plauge, shortly. Weird movie version for sure.

The weather is wonderful, upper 70's, a slight breeze and partly cloudy.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First full day home

Today is a day for pain management. It is better if I can keep my muscles relaxed. Dr. K's office tomorrow to get the final results. Hanging in there.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Made it home

Got home around 5pm. Tired beyond all comprehension. Pain, pretty high. I'll write in greater detail ...tomorrow!

checking out of this hotel around 3:30

Got my walkin' papers and ready to check out. Should be in about 3-4 hours. I am so ready to get home.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Monday post surgery

Starting my fourth day in the hospital.  I am beyond miserable. Been up since 5:30am and here it it 8:50 and still no breakfast.The only nurse worth a damn is off until Thursday. I'm stuck with the tired and bitter type. When I asked for a medication for the itching caused by another med, I was informed I'd already had it. Well, so if it isn't working I should suffer in silence. Guess the staff has done all they are required to do.  Yesterday I had a nurse who understood her job. None of those around today. Dear God, let me out of here!!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


I admit I'm a little nervous about tomorrow. I mean, major surgery! Ouch. 14 minutes before I must fast until tomorrow afternoon. Must eat now. I should be out by Tuesday but I'm planning on a speedy recovery.

College Football starts this weekend!!!

I'll write when I can.

Wish me luck.